Something to avoid

Started by picman, October 09, 2020, 15:25:42

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Having a splinter in your hand is not unusual for gardeners , having a 37mm bamboo splinter go down into a finger tendon is really painful , now after ,3hrs in A&E, a course of antibiotics , loads of tests, cut open , 10 stitches  and overnight in hospital the b****y thing has been extracted, hand looks as if i have been shot. Please wear thick gloves when handling canes..



Bloody hell - thank goodness they've got it out, that sounds really quite nasty!
My garden is smaller than your Rome, but my pilum is harder than your sternum!


Once whislt on a business trip to Thailand i took a trip to the Japanese Camp on the River Kwai - disheartening place as it was - not much of the horror was illustrated very well but the guide did tell us all that the Bamboo killed many men, well they died from the wounds inflicted by bamboo. so i'm not suprised. it sounds very painful and i hope you are recovering well.
Norf London


Thanks Nora / gray1720, took the dressing off today. think the surgeon thought he was carving the sunday roast  , was stupid thing i did ... 


Sounds horrendous. And an important warning.
A couple of years ago I got a bamboo splinter in my arm. Not nearly as tricky but went a bit infected and took weeks before it would work its way out. Ended up in Minor Injuries where a good old fashioned nurse recommended Magnesium sulphate for drawing it out. Visit to Boots for a little pot of the stuff and in a few days it worked.
Nowhere near as horrible as your injury but can endorse the dangers of bamboo splinters. Very best wishes for a quick recovery.


The like botton on here is somewhat inappropriate. To be clear I like that you have warned us, it something I would never have thought of.
Is this fresh growing bamboo or stake which caused the horrible injury?
Hope that you get over this with no complications.


Thanks for the messages plotters. The bamboo was a bundle of about 40,  8 footers . I hurled it at a rack in our store area at the back of the plot.. I usually heal quickly so fingers crossed . cheers


Ouch Picman, thanks for the warning and hope it heals quickly.


Sorry to read Picman and thanks for the warning.  Heal fast and well  :wave:


I've fallen out with bamboo before, trying to push into hard soil and it snapped..... not in the same league though!

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