As suggested by Peanuts time for another Photo Competition

Started by daveyboi, September 25, 2020, 10:18:01

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The Subject is VEGETABLES

A very wide ranging subject so please get creative  :toothy10: :toothy10:

You can submit two entries BUT please let me know which is the one you would like me to use if we get plenty of entries

Don't forget to give your username please

I think that 10pm on October the 10th will be closing date for entries

Submit your entries to ramjamman at hotmail dot com please

Please post a note here when you have done so just so I can make sure I have received it

Thank you

The winner can decide the subject for the Christmas Charity Competition which I will run again this year
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Hooray!  And thank you for arranging it.  And thank you for rescuing me from thinking I'd never be able to access A4A again!
I hope you get LOTS of entries. 
Some of us have far too much unaccustomed time on our hands at the moment, while others need cheering up and de-stressing. 
Everyone has concerns and worries right now, all individual and different, but real. 
Reach out to someone today. There is a point, it makes a difference.


Don't forget to think up a creative photo of Vegetables
Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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Working on it! On a grey wet day, with four more  at least to come, hard to get imaginative.  . Might have to raid the fridge for ideas.  Have got mushrooms coming up in the grass though.  They're veg.
Keep reminding everyone, daily!


I've sent you my entry.  I hope you get a decent amount of entries.  We need the comp to cheer some of us up!
Thank you for organising it.


For fun, while I'm drinking my mug of tea, I've just been back over the last six years of photo competitions, looking at all the entries.  I'm just gobsmacked at the inventiveness, the colour, and the sheer beauty of all the photos!


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Tee Gee

QuotePlease post a note here when you have done so just, so I can make sure I have received it

You should have my entry by now...Tg


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Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


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I haven't forgotten this but I decided to give it a couple more days for any late entries
So if you have a photo to submit please do it soon

Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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