Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Mare's Tail

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Tiny Clanger:
I don't have that on my plot (Bindweed and Couch grass are the weeds of choice). The guys that are afflicted with MAre's Tail say the only sure way is to dig, dig, dig.  Keep removing and it will radically reduce in time.


--- Quote from: Tiny Clanger on May 11, 2023, 10:21:38 ---I don't have that on my plot (Bindweed and Couch grass are the weeds of choice). The guys that are afflicted with MAre's Tail say the only sure way is to dig, dig, dig.  Keep removing and it will radically reduce in time.

--- End quote ---
Best we can do is keep on top of it and suppress it. It can never be eradicated and turn your back on it for a few weeks and it returns.
But hey ho. It doesn't eat much, nor does it choke our crops. It is simply.... There to annoy us by laughing at our mortal struggle. :BangHead:

Tee Gee:
As I see it, it is Hoe! Hoe! Hoe! Then a few weeks later, it's some more Hoe! Hoe! Hoeing! :nike:


--- Quote from: Tee Gee on May 11, 2023, 16:50:27 ---As I see it, it is Hoe! Hoe! Hoe! Then a few weeks later, it's some more Hoe! Hoe! Hoeing! :nike:

--- End quote ---

Masochist  :tongue3:

Don't you like murdering baby shoots?  :happy7: Is it a sense of fair play where you like to pick on something your own size? Are you trying to maximise your crop of this stuff? :tongue3:

Tell you what, if this stuff were edible, we could feed the world.

Tee Gee:
Thought you might like to see my plot when I took it over;


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