Produce > Wildlife forum

Small log pile


Do people think a very small log pile on the allotment for stag beetles and solitary bees would be a problem with the allotment committe?  Providing it looks tidy?

I have one near my wee pond, I dont grow slug susceptible plants near it tho as they like to use it aswell as the frogs and toads. If its not too big I cant see it being a problem but some committees are quite strict just for the sake of being so. 

Why not dig it in, polysheet as membrane, and turf as roof.Just leave it open on one(the 'inside') edge for creepycrawly access.It could have secondary purpose, such as a raised base for waterbutt, or be within a pallet sided compost heap Compared to many plots I have seen, it would be tidy!

Trust your judgement. You will probably know much more about your own committee than we do. They may be very officious, or they may not give a hoot.

On my site I doubt anyone would even notice. The committee is far too busy with the tenants that let their plots become completely overgrown, and neglected. My log pile is placed in the hope it will eventually produce oyster mushrooms, but if it proves dual purpose so much the better.


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