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Finally pigs have arrived.


They are rather lovely, but still quite young, so their clearing abilities are still developing.  They are digging well where the soil is light, but having a problem where it is compacted.  I am sure it will not take them long to get their snouts in gear.   There are several empty plots which will be taken quickly once they are weed free.

And pigs really love stinging nettle roots.   

Do they fence of each plot that needs clearing?

There are electric fences, so it can be move reasonably quickly from plot to plot.  We have quite a few abandoned plots, and people do not want to take them on.  Afterwards: no weeds, no snails, no slugs (but also no worms), no nettles and no couch grass.  And well manured.   Things grow like crazy after pigs.   (They do not get rid of mare'stail but most plots are free of it.)  I am hoping they will get to the plot next to me soon, it was full of thistles last year.  We strimmed it couple of times, but it is not flat enough to mow.

Though I did have one time when a whole litter of piglets go underneath it onto my plot.  Luckily they were too young to do too much damages with their snouts, and actually were just enjoying a good run around.   I thought getting them back would be a problem but finally mum called and they shot back for tea.  I wish my children had been as well behaved.  The farmer adjusted the height of the wire, so it was only the once.


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