Produce > Pests & Diseases

eggs and caterpillars


i'm used to searching for and squashing the minute groups of orange/yellow eggs on the undersides of the brassica leaves, and there are plenty this year.  But I've never seen eggs this colour.  What might they be?  Can anyone identify them?

Several types of butterfly lay green eggs. Could be a peacock or fritillary. That's the limit of my knowledge, though..

Might be worth taking a very close look at the shape. Some are round and smooth. Some look like tiny gooseberries.  That might help with the identification.


Having looked more closely, they are definitely round and smooth, not gooseberry-like at all.  I'm wondering if they might be eggs from a shield bug?  We certainly have those  around the veg patch.  I don't know anything about these bugs, but just recognise them from  online photos.

Hi Ya, I looked it up and found this. If they match yours they are green shield bugs.


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