Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Risk Assessments

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Hi Ya, Surely a bit of common sense comes in to play when using equipment? I use a strimmer and I'm always aware of those around me and I will stop while any people walk past. We have rules but yes I suppose a few idiots ignore them. Where will it all end I wonder.

Tee Gee:

--- Quote from: lezelle on May 15, 2018, 08:56:36 ---Hi Ya, Surely a bit of common sense comes in to play when using equipment? I use a strimmer and I'm always aware of those around me and I will stop while any people walk past. We have rules but yes I suppose a few idiots ignore them. Where will it all end I wonder.

--- End quote ---
Here! Here!

People can still use stimmers - just not on site day as there are too many people around.  Makes prefect sense to me!

I can remember that schools regard cowpats as a trip hazard on risk assessments for planned field trips, so is that a sensible risk assessment or not?  My point is that there is no right or wrong assessment it's all in the eye of the beholder.

Tee Gee:

--- Quote ---My point is that there is no right or wrong assessment it's all in the eye of the beholder.
--- End quote ---

In other words " Common Sense" !


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