Photo Gallery > The Gallery

A few Garden photos


Tee Gee:
Over the winter months I have been sorting out my photos filing system and got rid of around 10,000 of them.

In the process I have also been putting many of  them into my website and as I know some of you like looking at photos I thought I would 'link' you to them for something to do while your seeds are germinating!

Thanks for sharing Tee Gee.  I too have been using the period of being confined to barracks to organise my PC but mostly because its screen is doing funny aurora borealis effects and I may need a new laptop.

Lots and lots of garden pics on there from the old Belgian garden, gardens visited, Chelsea Flower Shows and quite a few already of this one but also some lovely pics and videos of our dancing activities and music too.   Have deleted masses of duplicates.  Good exercise.


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