I took Seren into the vets at the beginning of the month to be neutered, following advice I thought it would be best for her in the long run. Though it was tearing to have to leave her at the vets. All went well and she came home the same day and although she didn't perk up until the following day she seemed to be doing very well and the vet was happy at her two day post op check up. The wound seemed to heal well and she seemed happy and well until last Sunday (5 days after her operation) when she wouldn't eat her food. I left it about a half hour, but this is exactly how it started last time, so contacted the out of hours vet team who said to bring her in.
Seren was running a high temperature and quite lethargic , in view of her history, they ran some basic blood tests and gave her an intravenous dose of antibiotics and anti inflammatory/painkiller. As it was so late by this time I brought her home and they said if a was worried to phone or bring her back. I took her to my vets first thing, they were unsure what was causing her temperature rise which hadn't come down overnight. They contacted bristol hospital who wanted to see her in the afternoon.
We saw a lovely vet there who said they needed to keep Seren with them to run tests, they weren't sure if it was somehow a recurrence or something new. It was heart wrenching to leave her again and my stomach was churning and she looked so sad and miserable, her eyes said a lot but I can only imagine how poorly she was feeling. So hard.
The best news is she is now home with me. During a scan they found some abnormalities in her abdomen, which they felt might be the problem following her operation the previous week. Turns out she reacted to the internal stitches they put in and she had signs of inflammation and infection internally. They operated again and removed all the stitches and damaged tissue, took samples to send off and flushed out her cavity. Not sure how much this is all going to cost as the insurance will only cover part of it. But once they were happy there were no other complications and she was responding well I got those magic words I could come and collect her!
Poor little poppet, two big operations in a week! Though I can see her improving already and marvel at how resilient dogs are. She's being very clingy and doesn't like being left for a moment. She is gaining back her appetite and hope she will put on some of the weight she has lost soon. She's being so good about taking her tablets but only short lead walks for a month!!!!
Sorry for the long post, needed to offload.