Hi everyone,
If, like me, you're suffering from a glut of rhubarb, then you might like to try this recipe as there isn't very much going on in the drinks-making department normally this time of year. Well I say recipe, but it's basically making sloe gin and replacing the sloes with rhubarb stem chopped up. The rhubarb does an admirable job of adding the same tartness and fruitiness that sloes do - and just like the sloe gin, this needs quite a bit of sugar to take the edge off!
If you choose the reddest stems you have, or use a very red variety then the drink will end up a beautiful shade of pink.
I tend to fill a jar ¾ with rhubarb and top up with gin, infuse for 2-3 weeks and then strain, only adding sugar at the end to taste so as to avoid accidentally making it sweeter than we like. Give it a go.