Photo Gallery > Competition

February Photo Competition

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i have nothing from the plot  and we dont do cold here on the sunshine coast lol sorry icant help

Did you get enough entries?

well I vote Tee Gee wins as there is some serious work gone into his garden pictures........mine was just waiting for the Poole chain ferry ...right place right time time..........

Tee Gee meant to ask what stones did you use for a rockery as we are toying with the idea of putting one on our shingle garden front it does get
hot from summer westerleys but also gets cold winds in winter so wanted to make sure me chose appropriate rocks for long term set up plus
im assuming low growing hardy plant varieties are key............


Tee Gee:

--- Quote ---Tee Gee meant to ask what stones did you use for a rockery
--- End quote ---

Well I grow on top of a bl**dy big stone known as the "Pennines"  so I have used part of these, in other words I am using Yorkshire 'gritstone' which is basically a form of sandstone although you could use limestone. Having said that if you are growing ericaceous plants I would not recommend limestone.

Basically what you want is a 'freestone' rather than a 'laminated' stone as the frost can get between the laminations and they split!

BTW I obtained my stones from a builders yard prior to it being dressed into building stone.

--- Quote --- plus im assuming low growing hardy plant varieties are key............
--- End quote ---

See here for some ideas:

OK cheers,i figured that local Dorset Portland stone would figure among rockeries so since my enquiry to you I will take a journey to the quarry
as you can get larger broken rocks ...rather than assemble small ones with more earth tween them.......we will see...but cheers for the heads up.



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