Author Topic: Dulce and the vet  (Read 3685 times)


  • Hectare
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Dulce and the vet
« on: February 18, 2017, 20:06:05 »
Took Dulce to the vet yesterday as his claws are too sharp and keeps catching in my jumper or my veins on my hand.  Just for a check up. He has never been to the vet before or in the car. He was very, very scared in the car in the cat carrier and meowed all the way to the vet, and was panting badly.  Anyway, we saw the vet after a little wait, and thought he had wet himself.  When we got out he had a runny poo, all over him.  The vet said next time, you bring him just tell someone as not fair to leave him like that and they will clean him up whilst waiting for the vet.  They had two separate areas for dogs and cats, to stop the cats getting so nervous. Luckily the vet was great and washed him down, and got the carrier washed out whilst I explained that he was very nervous.  He had his claws clipped, and was checked for a microchip in case he was stolen.  He also had a worm treatment, an injection against cat flu, and his teeth looked at.  He is slightly overweight, but the vet was brilliant, did suggest some dry food for his teeth, but he got the all clear. Have to take him back in 3 weeks for the second injection which is covered in the cost.  It only cost me just over £50. which I think is brilliant for the treatment he got. Anyway thanks to a wonderful local vet, who did not try to persuade me to do anything I was not comfortable with.  Dulce is happy now back on his lovely settee with OH.


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Re: Dulce and the vet
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2017, 08:35:00 »
Glad you got good service. Separate waiting places are such a good idea. I find that a lot of people let the dogs run about on the extendable leads so they come right up to my rabbits which are petrified. Vet did say I can put them in another room when waiting.


  • Half Acre
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Re: Dulce and the vet
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2017, 10:16:00 »
He had his claws clipped, and was checked for a microchip in case he was stolen.  He also had a worm treatment, an injection against cat flu, and his teeth looked at.  He is slightly overweight, but the vet was brilliant, did suggest some dry food for his teeth, but he got the all clear. Have to take him back in 3 weeks for the second injection which is covered in the cost.  It only cost me just over £50. which I think is brilliant for the treatment he got.
That's brilliant, it costs me over £50 just for a flu jab, which takes around 10 seconds!
Located in Royston, North Herts.


  • Hectare
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Re: Dulce and the vet
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2017, 11:52:07 »
Very good service.  Next time Dulce will hopefully be less stressed.  :wave:


  • Hectare
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  • Ryde
Re: Dulce and the vet
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2017, 13:12:12 »
He was worse this morning. Wet in the carrier in the car before we drove. Had to bring him back and clean the carrier then had a terrible job to get him back in. Had to wait for half an hour as was 10 mins late for appointment, then he pooed, back home now and hiding on the old dish washer in the cupboard. If i was rich would have ahome visit. Never had a cat so scared of carrier before, maybe he remembers all the times i took him home as a kitten.


  • Half Acre
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Re: Dulce and the vet
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2017, 16:11:18 »
Have you asked the vet about collecting a mild sedative before any future visit?  My mothers cat was like this about carriers/travel - mind you getting him to swallow it was fun.


  • Hectare
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Re: Dulce and the vet
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2017, 16:44:39 »
Go to your pharmacy or health shop and get some Bach's Flowers Rescue Remedy.   A few drops on the cat's tongue - or nose so he licks it off - about half an hour before the visit will help calm him.

Try also leaving the travelling cage out all the time and open with a favourite jumper or blanket in it so he learns not to be frightened of it.
Obxx - Vendée France


  • Hectare
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Re: Dulce and the vet
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2017, 18:39:15 »
The travelling cage has been left out all the time, and he goes in at home.  Went to Pet shop today and looking at carriers on the internet as I am not sure that that is the right one for him.  Anyway he doesn't need an cat flu injection until next year.  If we move, asked the vet and they don't sedate cats, but OH has a plan.  My son is a carpenter so may ask him to build a larger box to put in the car, and take him on a few short trips, otherwise it might be kinder to leave him with next door neighbour who loves him, or not move. I am not sure that the design of these carriers is good, have looked at dog kennels but would have to fix the opening.  Anyway he is fine now he is home, and the vet was good, even though he pooed again. One good thing about the vet was that they had an area for cats and shelves so we could put him up off the floor, which did help. Did ask the vet about home visits, obviously in the future if he got ill and had to be put down, and said they did that, but when they get that ill don't think they mind going to the vet.  Well, my new idea is a cat carrier that doesn't look like a cage, they have room to walk around, some of the fold up ones look good, as he likes my shopping trolley.  Met a nice man from the RSPCA in the vets, and he said they spend £2000 a month at the vet, and RSPCA is right near the vet.  I give to the donkeys abroad, and the dogs for the blind, but may be interested in doing some voluntary work as the shop and the shelter is in Enfield, near the vet, so that was a result.  The vet was brilliant again, and Dulce calmed down once he was out of the carrier.  I used to take my cat (Baby) under my jumper to the vet and he was OK with it.  More TCP on my legs, hands, and washed my trousers, as got urine on me when we took him out the carrier the first time, and worst at the vet.  Think we should have left him in the first time as it was worse getting him back him, and made us late as I didn't want to be late and have to wait, but as we missed our appointment it was over 30 minutes.  Good vet though, an old fashioned surgery, not one that asks for money all the time, and checked his heart, which was racing before he had his jab.  NO MORE ANIMALS, think I have said that before.  Even OH loves him now.


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