Produce > Under Glass

From above or below?


Hi all,

I am without a garden this year as we are renovating a house, but growing some 'cut and come again' salad, Rocket, Spinach and a mixed salad leaf in trays on a windowsill. They have germinated nicely (exept the Spinach) now I would like to hear your opinions. Am I better off resting the trays in water or using a fime rose sprinkler from above when watering.

Thanks in advance.

I always water seedlings from below. You risk getting dampening off and other fungal diseases if you water from above.

And don't overwater. They don't use much water in the early stages. (I tend to not water mine until I prick them out)

Always from below for the same reasons as Aqui.  Also the poor little seedlings get flattened if you water from above.

Thanks both of you, that is what I have been doing, but I was unsure if there was a chance of waterlogging the new roots. Looking forward to fresh and tasty salad that's not out of a chemical laden bag or flown in from abroad.

Also, just in case, how can you see early signs of dampening off?

Merry Tiller:
You won't see any warning signs, they just keel over & that's it I'm afraid. Your best bet is to use tap water for watering until they're past the seedling stage, rainbut water contains the spores that cause the disease


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