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Anyone into canaries

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Hi, I am buying a canary, any little tricks I nee to know   XX Jeannine

Know nothing about caged birds except they will be happier with a fellow feathered friend

I used to have a pair. Nice wee souls. If you can find a local bird society and get direct from breeder you are likely to have a younger, healthier one than some pet stores.

If you are not set on a canary...a very young budgie is a fantastic companion. Again going direct to a breeder, some will finish off / semi hand rear and they will be silly tame! If I didn't have a cat Id have two wee tame budgies in an instant :)

Cockatiels also similar but a bit noisier...great pets though.

With birds get seller to show rear end...should be clear and no sign of wet/ smelly droppings in cage.

Also look at area around top of beak. Look for crusting ( not good)

Also look for a clear bright eye.

Discharge or whistle sounding nostrils are another no no.

Feathers should be bright and not chewed

I don't know much about birds, but please get the biggest cage that is reasonable and allow it plenty of exercise time. I get so sad seeing animals in tiny cages where they can't behave naturally. Birds need to fly.

Lots of toys and other enrichment activities, and the company of others of their species as appropriate.

The males whistle much more often and intensively than the females, especially in spring.




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