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External DVD Rewriter

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The DVD writer on my Tower is now chewing up discs instead of writing to them. The SSD is almost full so I need to empty out the Photos on to DVD's fairly quickly.
I could take the machine in and have a new Writer fitted, but that would take a week and is rather more expensive. Not capable of doing it myself either.
So question is, can I use a Samsung SE-218BB Rewriter with a Windows 7 PC? And is it any good? If not then what?

Do you really need your photos to be on DVDs?   I now backup all mine to an external hard disk.   €80 for a terabyte, no need for special software and easily portable.

The External Drive is also full. And the DVD's are for extra protection against loss.

Poppy Mole:
I bought an HP dvd/cd rewriter to use with with windows 7, I don't think it cost me much & works a treat

Its not that difficult to replace an internal DVD , just a few screws , two plugs ... should not require any setup ... done , less than £10 ... not got anyone to help you , ask around the lotty site ?


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