Author Topic: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....  (Read 8774 times)


  • Hectare
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A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« on: February 10, 2014, 17:18:17 »
I would be very interested to hear about A.G.M.s on other sites. 

What sort of things are discussed?
Are decisions put to the vote, or decided beforehand?
Are questions put in writing before the date?
How are attending 'troublesome' plot holders dealt with?  :BangHead:

Our A.G.M. last year was a bit of a nightmare and almost got
out of control.

I would like to avoid that sort of thing happening again and would
welcome any tips or comments.
Walsall Road Allotments

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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 18:07:59 »
I hate the AGM.  Ours has a tendency to degenerate into farce and acrimony but having said that I find a bit of light hearted banter helps.
We produce an agenda and send it out prior to the event.  Normally it is the same every year with some exceptions. So site hut, site days, H&S issues, reports from Chair, Sec, Treasurer and lettings sec, security issues, water...

We start with a vote on the minutes for the previous AGM and then into matters arising from that.  That normally gets someone riled up so we go off topic but then on to officers reports and the election of new officers (technically we all stand down and have to be re-elected).  Then we move on to other matters like site days etc.

Finally if enough spleen has not been vented at this point then we give them a chance to raise AOB.  This has to be managed carefully as often people think this is a time to bring up matters that could best be dealt with by me or one of the other officers (like suddenly complaining about an overhanging branch)..  We usually run out of time at this point - or patience.

Aside from voting in the officers then we generally only vote on rule changes.  If someone raises an issue we may vote on that.  In the past this was out of control so we now ask for submissions to the agenda in advance - thus less voting.  If something is raised in AOB then we might vote but much less so now.

We have had some good barneys in the past and last years meeting was lively - what you need is a good Chair who can control a meeting while making people feel they have had a say.  Ours is pretty good - a little prone to going off topic but does manage not to get involved and generally keeps things moving - let's people have their say and then moves it on. If you let one or two people dominate then no one is happy.  The key point to bear in mind is that you will not solve everyone's issues to everyone's satisfaction - the best thing to hope for is to agree a course of action.

What gets me is the little things.  We had an argument over buying some biscuits for site day one year.   
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2014, 08:06:36 »
There may be a common theme here of hating the AGM!
I ask for nominations and any issues to be sent a fortnight before the day so that we can have a  committee meeting to discuss.
The minutes of last meeting and Agenda are sent out about 6 weeks in advance and on the notice board.
A good Chair is essential to get the balance between allowing opinions and debate and stopping the grumps who have nothing positive to contribute but still feel the need to give everyone the benefit of their thoughts.

markfield rover

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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2014, 09:01:02 »
We deal with problem plot holders on a day to day basis, any questions can be asked at the monthly committee meetings which anyone can attend, there is no AOB  ,again this can be dealt with during the year motions can be submitted before hand  there are occasionally one or two but we have a good chair and as the hall is hired the meeting ends at a set time. If someone has an issue there are plenty of opportunities outside of the AGM to resolve them. For us it's more of a review/report of the past year. Also our committee meetings are kept to an hour and a half.


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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 10:45:13 »
After reading Nick's description of their is like going through ours.
And to add to that...I too don't like AGM's, but unfortunately one just have to bare it once a year.
We are going to have some 'fun' with ours this year....our 'Chair' passed away few months after years and years having same man on the lead...we are going to need new one now.
Usually we have committee meeting before the AGM...just to go through the year's events and see if there need to be any advance 'planning' with the possible actions/answers etc...nothing sinister, just making sure were have united 'front' as there is some members who are against anything and everything committee do and decide, its like they have brains wired that once somebody is in committee, they are the 'enemy' = make their life difficult  :dontknow: And those are the people who pick any possible faults to raise them in AGM. Luckily there is not many of them...but couple of those 'sort' of members still gives lot of stress . Our members have put it any rule changing suggestions that needs voting on paper and post it few weeks advance to the committee..that will give us time to do any possible research, legal or otherwise, and put the whole picture on front of members for voting. We try to do our 'home work' before hand as much as possible...makes the AGM go much more smoothly when you have facts together.

Recently I gave mouthful of one of these 'troublesome' members. That is not my kind of behaviour..but he just reached my tipping point and once I let few "F's" out and what I think of his constant whining. Because it came from woman, he didn't dare to back answer with foul mouth like he would have with man...after walking away for minute, he came back to our shop shed and was 'fine' with again.... :drunken_smilie: Perhaps he just needed to be shown that I'm not to be messed with  :glasses9: I suspect his 'treatment' has worn off by the time of the meeting...I don't mind people speaking their minds or even some rough language..but when it is about something petty and they are not that 'perfect' is too short and I won't entertain it anymore.. :angry4:
If the conversation during AGM gets bit heated...we try to remind members that society is run by 'volunteers' is a 'hobby' should be 'leasure activity' for us all...'we try to run it fairly and as little hassle for anybody'...'it is not political battle ground'...'we are not there to make us feel important'..etc, etc.  When it comes time for voting committee is 'funny' how people are happy to 'step back' let things carry on as they are=they don't wan't to get involved anymore :angry5:
We try to get our meeting over and done within hour.. usually it does so.. and then we carry on the discussion of the aftermath in a room nextdoor...  :occasion14:


  • Hectare
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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2014, 11:42:03 »
Thank you for the replies - you can't believe how much better I feel now!

The vast majority of our plot holders seem to be happy with how things are run but
there are a couple who seem hell-bent on causing trouble.  They complain about really
trivial things, like having dirty towels in the toilets but never dreaming to get a clean
one out from the bag in the kitchen.  Which I have washed. When this one particular man
starts, he never stops and I can feel myself getting really worked up. Like Goodlife with her
troublesome tenant, I stood up to him once and probably used much worse language than
he would use himself.  He has left me alone since, but complains to other committee
members instead.  :BangHead:

I recently sent everyone a
letter saying that all questions must be in writing, and given in a couple of weeks before
the AGM.  This man said (to someone else) that it was ridiculous and he'd never heard
of anyone ever doing that before.  I know he will start asking questions at the meeting,
despite the letter.  I think we will have to do a bit of role-play at our next committee
meeting so that our (lovely, kind, gentle) chairman will know what he is up against!

Walsall Road Allotments

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markfield rover

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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2014, 13:11:34 »
I could send you copy of our AGM agenda if that helps , it's good at keeping things from wondering off .


  • Hectare
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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2014, 13:19:00 »
I could send you copy of our AGM agenda if that helps , it's good at keeping things from wondering off .

Yes please, that would be very helpful.
Shall I pm you my email address?
Walsall Road Allotments

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markfield rover

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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2014, 13:23:57 »
Yes please squash , will post ASAP. Perhaps us committee members could start a support group !


  • Hectare
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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2014, 13:30:32 »
Yes please squash , will post ASAP. Perhaps us committee members could start a support group !
I'll pm you now.
We need all the support we can get!
Walsall Road Allotments

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  • Hectare
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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2014, 08:49:20 »
Markfield Rover sent me a copy of her AGM which was very useful and I have
changed part of ours to be the same (removed 'Any Other Business' and added
'Proposed Motions' which have to be in writing and given in a couple of weeks
before the meeting.)

However, I am still stressing slightly about 'Matters Arising from minutes of
last year's AGM.'

I can see the person who always causes trouble with his Any Other Business
questions will hog the stage again.  Because he doesn't believe in putting questions
in writing (he's already told someone this) he might take this opportunity to slip
things in.   How do other committees 'control' this part of the meeting?

Or am I stressing over nothing?
Walsall Road Allotments

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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2014, 09:48:37 »
Oh let him 'slip' some questions can always remind him of his 'duties' (about doing it advance and why this is so) on front of everybody..I'm sure rest of the members are not stupid and can see what he is like.
Our 'chair' used to deal these sort of questions swifly...UNLESS there truly was issue that somebody haven't though of before or it came up as something important during meetings.
Try not to stress too can only prepare so much and as long as you have your answers prepared for the actions you've taken during the year..that is all what you can do.

Ellen K

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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2014, 10:30:56 »
Tell him he's got 3 minutes to raise any Qs then times up!   If he doesn't give you the Qs in advance, how can you give him a considered answer?  I used to chair the local NHW group so have some experience of this too.  Just give him a slot then move it on.  This is more than fair esp if he is not cooperative.  Don't stress, have a game plan and stick to it.   Be amused, not annoyed.  Good luck!


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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2014, 11:28:52 »
Hi Betty, Have the Chair ask at the start of the meeting for items under AOB.  This is to allow the Chair to time discussion during the meeting so AOB items can be heard.  It also helps stop people coming up with ill thought and knee jerk questions.

Lady of the Land

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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2014, 18:05:53 »
Markfield Rover

Could I possibly have a copy of your AGM agenda as well. I have recently taken over as co Chairman with my husband as no one else wanted to take it on. Although we have not had major problems before when I have had other roles on the committee and thus been at AGM - you only need one person as Squash 64 has had.

Thank you


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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2014, 18:44:07 »
I am sure you have the support of the silent majority, who just want a quiet life.  Do not let one difficult person upset you.  You are doing a brilliant job.   I think your site is wonderful.

markfield rover

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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2014, 18:57:42 »
Lady of the Land.  If you pm me your address I will do the honours.


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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2014, 19:05:14 »
It looks like most sites have that one person :BangHead:

It's a pity that they cannot all go and get an allotment somewhere a long way away from the rest of us and have a wonderful time falling out with each other and let the rest of us enjoy our gardens.


  • Hectare
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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2014, 20:44:51 »
Thanks for the replies, it really does help to know that people understand.

PL -  Brilliant idea, I wonder what would happen if I put that forward at the AGM?  :tongue3:
Walsall Road Allotments

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Re: A.G.M. Your thoughts appreciated....
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2014, 08:22:06 »
Thanks for the replies, it really does help to know that people understand.

Oh we do!!!


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