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Ace, how is Sasha getting on?


--- Quote from: Belladay on December 12, 2013, 08:31:02 ---Ace, how is Sasha getting on?

--- End quote ---

Just fine, a bit of regression on the toilet training, but that might have been me moving the puppy pads out of the door to soon. Comes to the whistle, She bosses Chumley about, but he soon gets fretful if she is not in his vision and he will let her know when enough is enough. Bathtime for them both yesterday, neither of them amused, but if a couple of muddy scruffs want to come in the lounge that is the penalty.

Any chance of some more pics please?

Thanks Ace, I have been wondering about them both.

Ain't there some scumbags about. The lady we got Sasha from was keeping one of the pups, but some how some thieving scrote has stolen the puppy the children wanted to keep. She text us asking to keep an eye out after we had given her an update on Sasha.


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