Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Allotment Committees

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Downhearted and disgruntled. >:(   Been to the committee meeting tonight and were my terrific ideas about developing a Web Site for our Association (which I would organise)and Celebrating National Allotments Week by having an Open Day, met with enthusiasm and overwhelming support?  :( A big No to either.  Sometimes wonder why I am on the committee.

I am afraid  a lot of our committee members are so negative and not prepared to try anything new. They said what would be the point of havindg a Web Site? and they couldn't understand why we would want to have an Open Day when we have a waiting list for members.   I sometimes wonder why I bother coming up with any ideas. Feeling out of sorts tonight. Any body out there who has a positive go ahead committee?    :'( busy_lizzie

Roy Bham UK:
 :( Sounds like you have the Doom & Gloom Brigade on your lottie. Don't let em get you down, or maybe they're not into this cyber stuff ???

W've now got a really go ahead committee. Apparently meetings used to be basically the secretary rushing in and making a report and the treasurer saying how much money was in the bank. There would then generally be some bitching about someone or other and that was that. Since the change of management there's a fresh wave of enthusiasm. The first thing we did was to set some targets for the year ( all of which have been met alrady ) and since then we've introduced short/medium and long term plans which include Open Days, creating disabled plots, installing toilets and electricity and organising social events. Realistically, the chair and secretary tend to set the tone. Our current chairman used to be the 'voice in the wilderness' like you, and is loving being able to get things done now. The funny thing is that some of the committee members who we used to think of as dead wood or ultra conservative have now shown themselves to be really helpful and imaginative. Many of our ideas are met with ' Great! I came up with that a few years ago but no-one was iterested. Let's do it!'
All I can suggest is, try and get more proactive management which the committee may then follow.

Is it the fear of things changing? they dont want to try anything new.

The Open Day is a great idea later on in the year when the lotties are in full swing .
get some school children to see how vedge etc is grown perhaps you could contact the local school this they may go for and perhaps one for parents and children on a weekend and admission could go to local hospice or the church etc this they may go for?
You could still do the website as your on the committee dont think you would need permission would you?
Dont give up on your ideas thats is why you were voted onto the commette.

Many of the old guys just don't have the energy to be enthusiastic, and what energy they do have is put into growing their veggies  :)  We only have an Association of 3 and 1 is ill so we can't expect them to do much.  They aren't really into open day but they'll do a barby (no veg on it though).  So one or two other plotties are doing something to help.  We're asking the composting team from the council to come and do demos and give away freebies (hopefully), there'll be teas and cakes, hopefully a raffle, allotment tours, shredder demo (if they can get it going).  We're having it in July as last year it was in May and hardly any veg ready.  So we want lots of veg on show to encourage people to take up the hobby.  We thinking about making placards for vacant plots or just flying some ballons to mark them.  We're doing best allotment and some other categories which we've not sorted out yet.  Veggie carving and such like  ;D


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