Author Topic: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)  (Read 196045 times)


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #420 on: November 17, 2010, 00:30:40 »
 :) ::) Hi All, I hope you and yours are all well. I have some good news and some sad news I would like to share  with you. First the good news. I've been nominated by someone to receive a Life Changers Award for Best Development and Initiative Award, which is held in England on Friday 3rd of December 2010 at the Hilton London Docklands, Riverside Hotel, 265 Rotherhithe Street, London SE16, starting by 6pm.
I'm requested to forward a 30-60 second video or power point presentation of my profile/humanitarian involvement as this will be broadcast or read in the full glare of the invited guests.
Now for the sad news, I won't be going even though it's " Recognising our Hidden Heroes"  Why, because a friend of mine did phone them on my behalf to find out whether is was a scam or not, they did not ring him back nor have they contacted me either to say it's not, anyway my reward is seeing people who do use my idea and try to help spread the word to other people who may be interested in the 3Rs of waste too.
Now for some  good news.  My friend Job in the USA at has just sent to me some more photos of the way he is growing things in his waste plastic containers, which I'm going to try and add to the others on my website for you to look at, to prove our systems really do both work in the simplest of ways, and they are also made for next to nothing to help feed people, using little water to grow something. This is what Job told me.   There gardening season has come to an end with the first frost setting in last week.   All in all they had a good harvest. From there church garden they harvested nearly 1,600 lbs of vegetables, and  Job  set up a vertical garden in his back yard using 1 gal jugs as well as 1 liter plastic bottles. and he's sending  me a few photos  to view. he also used two wooden pallets to make an "A" frame with seven shelves which can hold 21 - 5 GAL containers. He estimates his  vertical garden can produce 4 - 5 times than that of a in ground garden occupying the same space.  
(ME) I think with my trellis system also being used we have proved you can grow a lot of things using less space, less tools, less hard work digging, less weeding, less cost, less time on maintenance, less waste going to landfill sites. Plus I've just signed up to join the Children's Food Campaign at where is trying get every school to grow things, which I think is a very good idea to support, plus I'm going to the Age Concern Greenwich launch of our Men in Sheds project at the Progress Hall, Admiral Seymour Road, Eltham, London,SE9 1SL on Friday the 19-11-2010 to see the Shed officially opened by Mr Tommy Walsh, the television DIY expert of "Ground Force" fame. So I will see the shed, meet members, find out more about the project, and an opportunity to network my ideas.
Plus we have all been told by our Daughter-in-law that our youngest grandson who's still filming with Mr Ewan McGregor is going well, and they hope to be home before Christmas, and to see the New Year 2011 in with us.
If you have used my 3Rs plastic container gardening water recycling system idea to grow things, and you  have taken some photos, then please feel free to send  a copy of them to me and I will try and add them to my website just like my friend Jobs has done at , in the USA . Thank you.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John JRP (recycling)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 00:32:34 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #421 on: December 22, 2010, 00:34:56 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL the time as come to say I wish you all and yours a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS ans HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011.  And I'm pleased to say the snow has not stopped us from seeing some of our family and friends who are here. With this in mind as you know the past year has had its ups and downs, whilst I would like to see my reuse of waste plastic containers to grow things in to become part of our WORLD AID programme to help feed the poor people, and to help save lives, and to help reduce some of our waste going to landfill at the same time in the UK and the rest of the world if I can with your help, but so far it really does seem I'm wasting my time in trying.
I know there are lots of people out there who support what I'm trying to do on my own in my own way, but  in this world of greed not need Governments are now really only interested in making money out of poor people. I Know there will always be the VERY RICH, and the rich who are just above to the middle class, but I also now believe this can also apply to the poor now living in different countries. Whilst I've never been to any country to see the difference my self, our TV stations have covered most things to watch without actually being there. So there is no way we can ignore what we have seen with our own eyes happening to people,  good or bad.
Whilst I do believe I know who to help solve most of the worlds problems in the simplest of ways, the only  way I can prove it to anyone is I need to have lots of money to play with, or you try to find someone who has. The problem I've got I'm not really interested in making money, I would just like to  see my ideas used before I die, not to be famous but to say If I can do something to help make things better, you can do it to if you try too.
With this in mind all I'm asking people to do his help me to spread the word about something that's been proven to work in the simplest of ways to grow things, as a designer and inventor who wants to help people to grow there own food as gardeners, or as school children to learn more ways about how to  recycle waste, and the science of making things work, for example like I have in a drought or flood situation for next to nothing.
A BIG THANK YOU to ALL. And may you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (recycling) linked to and you if you can help me too.  :) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #422 on: January 01, 2011, 23:17:53 »
Hi All

First post.

Just got an allotment.  Spent a bit of money on tools, wood, etc.  I need to get some guttering for the shed and then a water butt.  I can't really afford £30 for a water butt right now.  Apart from a bucket is there anything cheaper I can use at the moment.

Many thanks


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #423 on: January 02, 2011, 08:11:52 »
Hi and welcome to A4A sanjoseblue, congratulations on getting your new plot.
This post might get overlooked here, perhaps try again in the basics section  :)
Seed Circle site
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #424 on: January 02, 2011, 16:44:55 »
 ;D Hi Sanjoseblue and welcome from me too, I do hope you enjoy your new allotment like all the other people do on this website, like Jayb said this topic deals with mainly the 3Rs of waste and ideas on how to use things, but there are lots more people on here who you can talk to about anything if it helps YOU.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John JRP. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #425 on: January 02, 2011, 17:52:49 »
Hi Sanjoseblue, and welcome - try your local freecycling group - it's amazing what you can find on there!
War on slugs and snails!!


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #426 on: January 02, 2011, 18:31:08 »
Thanks for your help guys.  I 'll do as you adviced.  Have a good day.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #427 on: January 03, 2011, 09:47:48 »
sanjose last year i put an advert in our local free paper asking for compost bins and water butts, ....the phone never stopped ringing and got more than i needed....and all for free !!!


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #428 on: January 31, 2011, 13:17:37 »
 >:( 31-1-2011.
Hi ALL I hope you and yours are all well, I've got some very bad news to share with you as it may concern YOU too, in regards to renting an allotment plot from a council, which you may or may not know about,because I've just been told by ConfusedRhubarb that our own GREENWICH Council is going to TRIPLE our RENT's in APRIL. With this in mind johnlawrence84 -has posted on  about now getting  a  petition together, which you might want to know more about to get in touch with him, the more signatures the better. We think that our GREENWICH Council have been trying to keep the allotment rent increase very very quiet,  because they know that there are LAWS PROTECTING ALLOTMENT PLOT HOLDERS and ALLOTMENT SITES too. Whilst I'm trying to promote my own way of the 3Rs of waste plastic container gardening to help grow things, having your own allotment plot to spend some time on, enjoying they say a simple life with people of all ages, this I'm sure will all change if people can't afford to pay such a high increase, which I've just been told about.
ALLOTMENT RENTS MAY RISE BY 200 PER CENT. As reported in one of our local news papers dated  26-1-2011. GREENWICH campaigners say many people will be FORCED TO GIVE UP THEIR ALLOTMENTS  IF GREENWICH Council pushes ahead with PLANS TO DRAMATICALLY INCREASE RENTS. The town hall wants to increase the cost of hiring one of the sought-after plots by more than 200per cent to raise £72,000 over the next four years. A delegation of plot-holders, representing over 18 allotment sites, met with the Greenwich council cabinet  member for culture, Councillor John Fahy, at Woolwich Town Hall on the 27-1-2011. They discussed the move, which for some will raise RATES FROM £65 a YEAR to £200 a YEAR from APRIL 1, with a FURTHER INCREASE of £50 in 2013.
The HIKE is part of the town hall's £21.43million package of cuts and savings announced in December 2010. The council is set to LOSE £63.4million in Government cash over the next four years on PUBLIC FUNDING.  At the meeting, CAMPAIGNERS SAID an UNFAIRLY HIGH PRICE was being HEAPED ON THEM, arguing that the health benefits of an allotment outweigh the relatively small amount of cash increasing rates will generate. Members of the group also pointed out the council had a LEGAL OBLIGATION TO LET allotments AT RENTS PEOPLE COULD AFFORD TO PAY.  CURRENTLY the council charges £6.50 per rod - just over five metres.
The PROPOSALS would see the price rocket to £20 per rod for residents and £40 for non-residents, one of the members said, they always seem to look at putting up prices rather than thinking about what savings could  be made. Another member said " allotments were a social leveller , and another member said ALLOTMENTS are an important way in which the COMMUNITY  COMES TOGETHER, and if they become unaffordable it would be a BIG LOSS. Another member said, There are NOT MANY ALLOTMENT HOLDERS WHO KNOW ABOUT THE RISE.
(ME) I AGREE, so please help to spread the word in anyway you can , BUT? I think the council thinks, because we are growing our own food at a cheaper price we can afford to pay  more. This I'm sure will only encourage more people to sell what they grow at makets or boot fairs,  if the rents do go up by 200 per cent in Greenwich SE10 . May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (recycling) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #429 on: February 03, 2011, 22:18:07 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL I know it's a bit late to tell YOU, but I think I'm on SK3 TV again starting in the morning at 3.30am Secret Life in  ?   for a few weeks, or they are new ones, mine was called Secret Life in Suburbia  a few years ago, ending with me saying to everyone, we can grow acorns from a acorn tree, instead of a Oak tree. oops never mind, to me it  like saying we can get conkers from a conker tree, instead of a horse chestnut, which sounds a bit wrong to me too. Ha Ha.  John.    ;D designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #430 on: March 12, 2011, 18:55:25 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL an update for those who are interested in my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas and saving lives if I can with help. I've just offered my water recycling idea to R.A.P.I.D  UK to maybe help feed Japan's poor people now and in the future, why because so much land has been contaminated by the Tsunami yesterday the 11-3-2011, there responce was they have passed my details onto the operational team who will contact me should they need my expertise.  And I've also contacted the  BBC news team too. This as all just so happened after our Youngest grandson came home safely after he had finished playing his part in a film called impossible with the actor Ewan McGregor who's the ambassador for UNISEF, and the film it self just so happens to be all about the Tsunami that hit Thailand, just like Japan yesterday. and they to said  to me the same thing that my e-mail has been forwarded on to their high profile support team reference Sue Hill at UNISEF sent to me on the 30-2-2010.
Some more news I've just sent a e-mail to our Greenwich Cllr Jackie Smith asking her if she could help spread the word about my 3Rs of waste ideas, as she's our cabinet member for children and young people, after seeing in our G.T. a report dated the 8-3-2011 all about  THE NEW 3Rs 'GREEN' SCHOOL which is now open at Woolwich SE18.  Plus I just so happen to speak to two young lady's yesterday who are also trying to promote RECYCLING in schools too named SWAC, in Bexley as part of their Environment & Regeneration Service, Waste & Recycling team. I'm still waiting for a helpful  reply from the Princes-trust sent on the 3-3-2011 as they now know about my idea too.
If YOU or anyone else can help me in anyway to spread the word to anyone so that maybe one day my idea will become part of the Governments WORLD AID programme would be great, if not please can use give my ideas a try to help reduce some of our waste going to landfill sites in the UK and the rest of the world, as it cost next to nothing to make and can help to feed you too using it, I'm now in the process of replacing some of my container section with some trellis shown on my page  project (2)-(3) 2011, because they were destroyed by fire from next doors wheelie bin being set alight by some trouble makers.  This system I'm going to add some more photos of, for you all to look at, because I've designed a new wer for lots of dissabled people to grow thing on young or old in the future, which I want to share with the rest of the world too. Thank YOU for showing your support  done by reading all my message to help other people. I hope you and yours are all well, all the very best JOHN.  :) linked to supported by
« Last Edit: March 12, 2011, 19:30:50 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #431 on: April 24, 2011, 23:47:38 »
 :( 25-4-2011. Feeding the WORLDS POOR for next to nothing using the 3Rs?
HI ALL, I hope you and yours are all well, with this in mind for over ten years now I've been trying to tell the  world about my very simple to make water recycling system, starting from the 25-4-2000, which is simply made from waste plastic containers to grow things in, and also designed to help feed people in a drought or flood situation. With this in mind I claim there's no other system in the world that can match my idea, that costs next to nothing  to make, and I can prove that my idea works too, as I've recorded every stage in many ways, one being using my website, done so that people I hope can follow every step I've taken to prove using a plastic container as a water reservoir, and having the container cap to undo or do up to control the water inside, you can grow most things.
The shame part is with over 215,000 people who have already visited my website to look at it for FREE, just like a for ever open book to help promote my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening, which is even  on YouTube,  even up to now no one as taken up my offer seriously to help make my idea become part of Governments WORLD AID programme. So please help me if you can to spread the word that's all I'm asking YOU to do. MONDAY the 25-4-2011 is a very special day for me to,  and for someone else with the  words (J) son of (G) as  I'm also (J) so of (G) as shown on my birth certificate. And we are still trying to show the way to live a better life.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John.JRP, who says, time is running out for me too.  :(
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 23:53:47 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #432 on: May 25, 2011, 01:35:38 »
 >:( Hi ALL, what you won't see at the Chelsea Flower Show , why, because it's to basic and cost next to nothing to make, even though it's to do with growing things and recycling water, and the 3Rs of waste done in the simplest ways by design. If you want to know more please visit my website for FREE info on how to use my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas for all ages, supported by SWAC in Bexley.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy, John. JRP (recycling)  :) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #433 on: July 24, 2011, 18:19:30 »
 ;D ::) Hi All, spreading the word about my 3Rs plastic Container Gardening ideas are being ignored to help feed lots of people. I've just started to use FaceBook to let more people know, that there's no need for anyone to die from hunger if they use my very simple to make water recycling system, to grow thing in, using them as water reservoirs or to use as a filtering system, that cost next to nothing, and my ideas could be used now to be part of Governments WORLD AID progamme, if they really do care about people dying. For example. I did post this idea on OXFAMs, and DFID, and GOAL, and on UNISEF Facebook pages, but it was removed not long after, even though they all say that  they're trying to help save millions of lives all over the world, with our help.  All I'm asking for is a system to be set up say in Greenwich SE10, where all our waste plastic containers can be cleaned and re-used again  to grow things in, which then could be sent on to places where people could help to feed themselves in a drought or flood situation. My system really does work so why don't they give it a try, if it help to save just one life, I believe it got to be worth it, and it could also help the poor people live a better life too.
Please check out who I like on Facebook who are showing their support, and those who are not. Thank You.
If your wondering why I'm showing no friends on my facebook page, is they are already on my own website because they are part of my life in more ways than one. John. JRP (recycling).  :) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #434 on: October 01, 2011, 23:04:36 »
 ;D ::) 1-10-2011.
Hi ALL, 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening has arrived for Wheelchair users to enjoy growing things in a different  way to help Recycle, Reuse, Reduce some of our waste going to landfill at the same time, done in the simplest of ways, which I hope after seeing my friend Brians doughter Rebecca start using will help some people live a better life.
To see  stages of me setting up my NEW Community project at Brians and Pats Home address for Rebecca to use, please visit my website supported by B&Q in their own way too, as you will see.
Please let me know if you are using any of my FREE ideas, to prove to me that I'm not wasting my time as a inventor and designer in my spare time who really does like trying to help solve problems in the simplest of ways, even though I was always in the bottom class at school, that's why I want to help other people if I can to live a better life, done in my own way to prove IF I CAN do things YOU CAN do things to if you give things a try in your own way. Thank you for taking the time to read my important message about some think that I know does really work.  May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John JRP, (recycling) I'm also linked to lots of other website too, for example, FaceBook now and YouTube to help spread the word to more people all over  the world if I can, and I'm going to try and add another video to cover my  3Rs Wheelchair Container Gardening idea.  ;D designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #435 on: November 11, 2011, 00:54:10 »
 ;D ::) 11-11-2011.
Hi ALL, I do hope you and yours are all well, with this in mind I would like to see the 11-11-2011 also become a day to remember for all times sake, with your help, as the day the WORLD found out there is an answer  to help feed millions of people for next to nothing using my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas to grow things now. To day Mr Martyn Sibley has shown his support for my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening for Wheelchair users, Simply done by me spreading the word about something that actually works in the simplest of ways  by design, to help people live a better life in a drought or flood situation, and to also help Recycle, Reuse, Reduce  waste. To see what I've done in my own way please visit Thank you.  John. JRP (recycling)  :)
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 00:57:34 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #436 on: December 24, 2011, 15:52:33 »
 :) Hi ALL, there is a answer to every man made problem, so please don't treat my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas like the Elephant standing on a table, all because I'm trying to spread the word about something that actually works in the simplest of ways, and cost next to nothing to make to help my fellow Human being. To find out more please visit my website or YouTube or FaceBook or please e-mail me at Thank you. I do hope you have a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 too ok. From me, John JRP (recycling) in the UK.  :) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #437 on: January 07, 2012, 17:29:33 »
 ;D Hi ALL I hope it's not to late to say, about our youngest Granson playing is part as Will Forrester in Casualty today. BBC at 8.40pm 7-1-2012 it will start, for us to watch him play his part, if you would like to see more of him, please visit his face book page or YouTube 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening, or  to help spread the word about him. Thank you.  John. JRP. (recycling).  ;D designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #438 on: February 01, 2012, 17:15:24 »
 ;D ::) 1-2-2012.
Hi ALL this is an update, I've just come back from speaking to Tracy and Alex who are part of a good team run by the Wildehorizons outdoor education trust at the Environment Curriculum Service, 77 Bexley Road SE9.  who have shown a great interest in becoming Friends of JRP recycling and in the way I grow things, enough to maybe start setting things up very soon, after them speaking to their boss. Plus  I've also spoken to our local B&Q store manager R.... who said he will help in any way he can, to help keep down the cost of any of my Community projects now and in the future. With this in mind if you can help in any way to restore some of the cuts that the Councils have done to the Environment Curriculum Service would be great, as they are trying to spread the word to lots of school children, so they can live a better life now and in the future. Plus today I'm going to send in a form called (Transform) a London 2012 Changing Places Initiative, to help set up two Community Gardens at our  MOUND shopping area with the help of the Groundwork team. I will keep you posted. 
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (recycling). UK.  :) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #439 on: February 01, 2012, 20:04:54 »
Good to hear your news. :)


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