Author Topic: Hens not using roost  (Read 2349 times)


  • Acre
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Hens not using roost
« on: December 13, 2012, 21:54:29 »
Our chickens have a walk-in run with a roof, a bit like a shed with wire walls, on concrete. They roost in a box on legs at the back, have done so for a few years quite happily. They put themselves to bed as the run is fully fox proof (weld mesh etc).

We've only 2 of the original 4 girls left. One of them has taken to flying up onto the roof of the roost and sleeping there, leaving her friend alone in the roost. It's annoying because she dirties the roof (which I use as a shelf for useful poultry stuff, straw etc), also it's b****y freezing, so I've been popping her in at night after dusk.

Now, they've both started doing it.  :BangHead: I wondered about red spider mite, as avoiding the roost is supposed to be a sign? I've never had it, can't see it now, have checked with a bit of white paper wiping around, given the birdies a good rummage in their feathers poor things, nothing. The box which is wooden is always dusted liberally with DE, and when I clean out I spray with poultry shield.

Am I being over-anxious? Can you even get red spider mite in sub-zero temps? I certainly don't want to clean out and spray their roost in these freezing temps.

Am thinking of clipping her wings to stop problem. :tongue3:

Any thoughts, please kind A4A people? 
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 21:56:59 by Morris »

Nigel B

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Re: Hens not using roost
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2012, 22:27:54 »
Hi Morris.
I may just be that they're feeling a bit unsafe in the original roost. 
Just like warm places on chickens, armpits and unmentionables, attract most parasites, so warm chickens in a warm box seem to attract all sorts of 'friends' on a slightly larger scale. Rats? Cats? Dogs? Foxes? Mountain Lions? Sabre-toothed whimbats? Drunks on the way home from the pub? Drunks on the way to the pub?

That's my best guess. But my chickens are all over the garden. And next door's. :angel12:
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Re: Hens not using roost
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2012, 22:34:18 »
It could depend on the breed.  I have ISA browns that always go in the henhouse and 3 Light sussex that sometimes sleep on the roof even in these cold temperatures.  Last week I increased the amount of straw in the henhouse and they always go inside at night now.
so all hens usually end up in the henhouses though.

I have never heard of roosting high as a sign of redmite but their habits you describe are not unatural and they are doing what makes them content.  For a win win situation, why dont you just put a plastic sheet over the poultry stuff as it would be easier to clean than your roof.
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Re: Hens not using roost
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2012, 23:07:02 »
Few years since i kept chickens, sounds like they 're scared maybe rats in the coop?


  • Acre
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  • This is Morris! North Hampshire
Re: Hens not using roost
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2012, 18:24:15 »
Thanks Northerner, you hit the nail on the head. Have been keeping a careful eye on them, and one night when I went out with a torch there was a rat inside. Have checked around and found the place at the back where the netting had come away from the frame just enough to let a rat in. Problem fixed!   :toothy10: :toothy10:


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Re: Hens not using roost
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2012, 21:46:13 »
Oh nice one, seem to remember us having a similiaar problem. Get some poison down for rats or you will end up riddled with them.


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