The Show > Veggie Show

A4A 2012 Show; Cutest pet.

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This is Foxy... playing on the couch with his mouse..

They are all so cute and lovable!  It will be near impossible to vote for just one in this category.  Please give them all a cuddle from me  :wave:

This is our Meggie who passed away in January.  I know I have posted some of these on A4A before, but not under the category of "Cutest Pet".  I have a number of lovely photos and found it difficult to chose, but these are three of my favourites. 

Meggie sitting with my husband in our caravan, watching TV. 

It was a lovely swim, Mum!

"The little dog laughed".  I could get Meggie to laugh when she was on her back and I would move my fingers around saying "I'm going to get you".  Her tongue would go to the side of her mouth and she would make a hooting noise.

These are my friend Jo's pet rats.  Probably not eligible for the competition though as my friend is not a member of A4A.  I thought they were so cute though and had to share them with you.  Have you ever seen a rat saying "Grace" before? 

Not many people have voted so thought I would bring this to the top.

So difficult to choose between these lovely pets.


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