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Cat Suffering Unfairly

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Who in your opinion would be the best folks to tell about a cat suffering uneccessary verbal abuse by its owner and repeatedly leaving it outside from 8am till 6pm with just a poxy small bowl of water to keep it hydrated and NO food of any kind left on the step in the heat of the last few days I think it totally unfair but the owner
does not take kindly to animal advise.....CPL or RSPCA..?
I hear it being screamed at indoors and chased around 2 doors away,and its only Jude who doesnt want trouble that stops me from banging on the bluddy door and giving her a piece of me mind.... :(



My wife is a communications controller for the local constabulary, (she gets paid for telling policemen where to go!)

The number of times she has told me about trying to get the RSPCA out in the wee small hours because a dog/cat/badger/deer has been hit by a car and got no worthwhile response are too many to count.  I should approch a cat orientated charity and tell them of your worries.

But, surely the cat would have legged it by now if it was that bad?

Cheers,     Tony

goodlife: that cat skinny/bony?..even if it doesn't look like it gets much food from its could be fed by other people somewhere or it is able to hunt for itself. Not ideal..but cats are predatory and able to provide for themselves.
I suspect that unless that cat is underweight, looking neglected, ill or otherwise visibly not 'right',  RSPCA is not going to be interested. They have to be able to show there is case for cruelty or neglect...if they are not too busy, depending of the area they might take interest, but somebody must report the case for it in first place.
As for the drinking don't need to be worried about that..what weather we've had there is plenty of water about for it to drink.

As you are conserned..there is nothing lost if you give a call for RSPCA, tell what you see/hear and see what they say/advise.


I'm sure Cats Protection would give you advice, have a look for your nearest branch on their website.

Our cats are regularly shut out for that length of time, or longer, with no food.  They tend to wander in after 6pm and have a nap before looking for food.  They choose to eat before they go out, and eat when we go to bed.  We leave water out, but it's never touched because they prefer the stagnant stuff that's always around.  Little Man keeps yowling at the back door, not because he wants anything, just because that is what he likes to do.  OK, so we don't yell at them, but they certainly aren't neglected.  Cats are evolved to live outside - they often prefer it there.  A nice bush to curl up under and that's them sorted. 

I can't imagine any charity would be worried about what you have described.


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