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Really, really, pssed off today.
It's too effing cold and dark,
Spent the morning weeding........frigging couch grass! >:(
I didn't either, so I'm prolly DED.......hmm.......just checked my pulse............."does anyone there want to talk rood veggie talk with anyone here?"Knock twice if you do.......hours of the knocking shop - 24hrs availablity............"We Never Close" ;D ;D ;D
Phew, this whole thread has made me feel better! (strange but true!).It's my first growing season with a plot and I was thinking I was just being a total failure as an allotmenteer! My squash, butternut and courgettes are planted out (they couldn't stay in pots any longer) but they have got wind-damaged, slug-eaten and are looking VERY sad. The sweetcorn I resowed (sowed the first lot too early) are out too but some have snapped/uprooted in the winds. I've rebuilt my cane brassica cage twice (and wholly expect to do it all again tomorrow!).Spuds, shallots and onions are looking fine and dandy and lettuce is loving the conditions. Have munched on half-strawberries (the other half having been eaten/rotting in the wet).At least I know I'm not alone. It's not me being useless. PHEW!