Author Topic: Charlie has gone a bit odd  (Read 7068 times)


  • Hectare
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Charlie has gone a bit odd
« on: July 19, 2011, 18:10:47 »
Charlie, my stray cat that we have had for 10 years plus has gone a bit odd.  We have worked out he is about 18 +. He doesn't seem to want to sit on my lap and just cries for food and gets a bit confused about where his water is.  He has taken to sleeping outside or in the lean to.  Just rang the vet and will have to make an appointment.  He is not in any pain, is eating, but very thin, and seems very confused at times.  Tested his eyes with a bit of wool and he saw that OK.  Do cats get senile demetia, he bit me today when I picked him up, so am just letting him sleep in the lean to, which is a bit odd as he usually likes lap, chairs, settee, bed etc.  I know my cat, and feel that he is near the end of his life, and just wants to sleep in peace, I feel sad, but the vet said they could treat him, but I think he is happier at home, as not in any pain.  Poor Charlie, he only went to the vet for his injections 10 years ago, and has been OK since.  He did have a bad chest for sleeping rough before I found him in my back garden, and his fur was so matted he had to shaved at the vet. I know the vets can treat them but went through all that with another old cat, cost a fortune and the cat was unhappy and in the end had reached the end of his life. Any opinions welcome.


  • Hectare
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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 18:18:06 »

Ragdoll Lady

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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 18:36:59 »
Hi i am so sorry to hear about your cat Charlie. You have given him a good life with you. yes cats can get dementia it is quite common. I think you know this already but I feel you need to get Charlie to have a blood test at the vet. This will tell you if he has kidney failure, hyperthyroidism, triaditis (liver,pancreas,ibd) or some form of a tumour. The fact that his personality has changed points to the fact he isnt well at all. Cats have a habit of not showing signs of illness until they are very ill. I lost my cat Celine at almost 12 a few weeks ago and she had similar symptoms to Charlie, nothing that really showed until the end of her life. A blood test will give the answer and allow you to make a decision on the outcome without him maybe being treated for lots of 'possible' illnesses.
Sending healing to both you and Charlie and hoping for a good outcome for you both ,,,please let me know how you get on.


  • Hectare
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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2011, 18:41:26 »
Sorry to hear about Charlie. We had a siamese that went like that. It was kidney failure. He was 12
When I get old I don't want people thinking
                      "What a sweet little old lady"........
                             I want em saying
                    "Oh Crap! Whats she up to now ?"


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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2011, 09:42:20 »
Thanks Hector, that was interesting. He has stopped the wailing at night. He does seem to like to be in the lean to with both doors open.  He has got all the signs of dementia, and old age, but seems better this morning.  Think the heavy rain was getting him down (and me).  Have rang the vet and will have to make an appointment and take him soon.  He still knows where his food is and hasn't poo'd in the house yet, although will have to get him a litter tray for the winter.  Watched that programme last night about Blue Cross when she went under cover (interesting).


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2011, 10:25:16 »
Don't know if will be helpful, but I found this website after my dog Jessie had to be put to sleep. So many people sharing and supporting each other. It is so sad having to prepare for them to go.

Ragdoll Lady

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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2011, 12:52:34 »
Hello Borlotti, please just keep in mind that Charlie's symptoms though so like Dementia could so easily be something different. i know from experience as we thought this was what was wrong with Celine until the blood test.
Let us know how you get on
sending you both love


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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2011, 09:53:10 »
It's so sad, but it does sound like he is just reaching the end of his lifespan. Cats do go a little strange, I hear, when they are old. If he doesn't like being picked up, there could be something hurting him inside...  :'( :'(
I am sure the vet will tell you if he is in pain or not, and he might just now slow down and go out in his own way. In some ways I am relieved that our cat, although ageing, was killed suddenly, as we only saw here as spritely and in good health and did not see her get old and decrepit.
I am sorry for you...
2012 - Snow in February, non-stop rain till July. Blight and rot are rife. Thieving voles cause strife. But first runner beans and lots of greens. Follow an English allotment in urban France:


  • Hectare
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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2011, 20:37:00 »
He has been sitting by his food and water bowl all day.  Rang the vet and going tomorrow at 3.30 pm earliest appointment.  I didn't believe that they wanted details of my own vet, which I was not too pleased with after Mr Lopkatin (my lovely, lovely vet) who treated all my animals for years and was so kind, sent him a retirement card and thanks for all his treatment of many dogs and cats.  It was taken over by Village Vets and brand new reception and just money, money, money.  So am going to a vet recommended by next door whose cat I am looking after whilst she is away, and that is a very old cat, just got back from cleaning up the poo.  They said they had to got in touch with my vet before they could treat my cat, I have his record of injections, but as he was a stray he only went to the vet 10 years ago, as has been a healthy cat until now, he is 18 we believe. I heard the news about the doctor that didn't treat Baby P,and he can continue to practice, but I have always looked after my cats, and now they are checking my history with another vet.  I don't believe it, I will probably get arrested tomorrow for not giving the vet loads of money.  It is £30 for check up, £64 for old cats test and not sure about the blood test.  Lucky I get my pension money tomorrow.


  • Hectare
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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2011, 20:54:19 »
vets spell £££££££££££££££££££££

I always rage about their greed.In fact I told the last one that £57 for ten minutes work was in my opinion excessive.

Problem is we need them so they have us by the short and curlies. >:(

I think if you are on benefits the PDSA will treat animals for a donation.

Ragdoll Lady

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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2011, 10:19:44 »
Borlotti. Can you not get seen by the PDSA? It does sound like Charlie could have kidney, Liver,pancreas or iBD. The vet would be able to tell if it was kidneys but just pulating him in the kidney area so that if it was would just be a consultation fee. By feeling his tummy he can tell a lot of things (or get a good idea anyway). My Celines blood test was £70 and my vet only charged 13 for the consulatation. He let me pay the bill in installments.
I would rather go to my vet for my own illnesses that my doctor :)
Thinking of you today both of you.


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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2011, 19:15:24 »
Good news about Charlie.  He is back home and sitting in the back garden.  He had his consultation, checked his heart and felt him all over and his blood test, and the vet thinks he has tyroid problems, which can be treated with one tablet a day.  He didn't suggest any different food, or any treatment until he gets the results of the blood test, but didn't seem to be too concerned, checked his heart and other things (£65 for an old cat), and said he needed booster injections but as he hadn't had them for 10 years, all in all he didn't look too bad.  They are going to ring me with the results of the blood test, but he seems to think one tablet a day for the tyroid problem should sort him out, unless they find anything else with the blood test.  Cost me £116 but while worth it as was very worried about him.  Also told me not to crush the tablets which I did for my other cat and he will have to take them whole.  My other cat had the same problem and they suggested operations, but this vet said no point at this stage and the tablets should do the trick, if it is that.  He also didn't suggest any special food, and said he was doing well for his age.  SO RESULT, I am a happy bunny tonight.


  • Hectare
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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2011, 19:18:56 »
So pleased for you B  :)


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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2011, 19:26:09 »
Now I can relax with a nice glass of wine, and a takeaway curry, later.


  • Half Acre
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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2011, 19:32:52 »
Im really pleased to hear that charlie is ok.  You must look after him exceptionally well for him to be 18 years old!!  I lost 1 of my cats just before christmas & it broke my heart.  Im was umming & arring about getting another 1, i would love to get a ginger tom, i love ginger mogggy's!!
Is loving how the twins are really getting into planting seeds this year!  two for the price of one!! :D[/img]

Ragdoll Lady

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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2011, 23:33:24 »
So pleased to hear about Charlie. Many cats get thyroid problems and live a good long life on the tablet a day. I bet you are so relieved. Hugs to both of you.


  • Hectare
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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2011, 23:04:03 »
The vet rang with the results of Charlie's blood test which is not thyroid.  Wants him to go back for further blood tests, so that £116 was a waste and we are back to square one.  He only left a message on the answerphone and it was engaged when I rang back, so will have to go and have a chat with him to see what they are testing for and how much it is going to cost.  I think he is just old, and has a touch of cat dementia.  Well I suppose the good thing is the vet seemed to think he was doing OK for an old cat, and wasn't too surprised that he was thin, and I can promise he is very well fed.

Ragdoll Lady

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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2011, 23:31:33 »
Borlotti, when you speak to the vet I would ask him just what the blood test he did was for? I know there are different types but an experienced vet should have his finger on the problem  before the tests and it shoulddnt be so hit and miss, especially when dealing with an older feline. I am sorry you are going through this and know you must be worried sick. If Charlie is indeed just 'old' and suffering from cat dementia a Feliway Diffuser could well help with the problem as its simple you just plug it in like an air freshener. You cant smell it but your cat can. There is a powder on the market that you can put in his food that calms a cat down a sort of feline prozac called zylkene its very natural so wont harm him. It shouldnt be too expensve either.
Thinking of you and Charlie (these pets will be the death of us with all this worry).
Please let me know how he is doing.


  • Hectare
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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2011, 23:51:45 »
Will try to speak to the vet tomorrow, and see what the options are.  Thanks for your interest and concern.  No more animals ever ever again, I have said that before.


  • Hectare
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Re: Charlie has gone a bit odd
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2011, 07:30:02 »
We have watched two of our pets grow old after having a good life and spend their last days just existing. I would never do it again.
If Charlie has lived well for 18 years then he has probably had enough. Please don't think of me as being  uncaring Borlotti.
When I get old I don't want people thinking
                      "What a sweet little old lady"........
                             I want em saying
                    "Oh Crap! Whats she up to now ?"


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