General > Assisted Gardening

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--- Code: --- perhaps weekly cinema, theatre trips and carriage driving are a luxury...

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I am shocked and depressed by comments like this. There is plenty of money to go round, it is just that now it is going to line the pockets of the rich. Thatcher's government started the rot, with privatisation and the sell off of council housing. Blair followed, wasting billions on foreign wars. Pull out of all these countries we are meddling with, and spend our cash on the needy here. And tax the rich til it hurts!

Mat, Graceland's post didn't say that Jos went to the theatre or cinema every week.  He may only have gone every few years for all we know.  The point that was being made was that because of Jos's disability, he needed a car.

I used to work with people with learning disabilities and they need money to go out, perhaps to a panto at Christmas or out for a drink, to a zoo, a wildlife park or a trip to the seaside.  Even to buy an ice cream.  Some people are so severely disabled that life stuck indoors all day would be intolerable.  

I have had times in my life when I have been really hard up but at least I could walk, didn't need help with washing and dressing and was not stuck in a wheelchair all day.  Some of the people that can lose their DLA have been disabled since birth and we should all ensure that they lead as good a life as possible given the situation that they are in.  

This is what Mencap have to say about the new proposals:

I also agree with Mat, too many handouts...

Poppy Mole:
Sorry - I think that once again it is just a paper selling story & won't be anywhere as severe as they are making out, yes some people will lose their allowances BUT they will be the ones who don't either need or properly qualify for them.

Should we not as a society want to be able to provide the very best in life for people so unfortunate to be in this situation?

I find it quite depressing that this is viewed as a handout.

Yes ,in care to be able to go out is a good thing,As Pauline says most of us can take advantage of life's small go walking,visit a friend maybe.

I want to belong to a society where we endeavour to do the best possible for these people.

Life is so much more than being stuck indoors 24/7

The way we are going we will be saying The Workhouse is acceptable  :( :( :(


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