Author Topic: LUCKY ME!  (Read 1699 times)


  • Half Acre
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  • Posts: 129
  • MMM , Raspberries !!!
« on: December 16, 2004, 10:22:11 »
I've been given some autumn fruiting raspberry plants by my lottie neighbour.....and my question I need to space them as I have my summer fruiting ones (ie about 15in apart) or should they be spaced more widely to allow for spreading (they send up shoots apparently)??? Or should any shoots that they send up be removed?? will I end up with a forest of raspberries??
Yours in puzzlement :-\ and anticipation

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« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2004, 11:01:55 »
Plottie, you should count yourself VERY lucky. in my veiw autumn fruiting rasperies are better in many ways to the summer types and are easier to grow (most types need no staking/support). If you can find out what variety you have - hopefully the neighbour who gave them to you should know.

Soil preparation and planting is no different to summer types, though if you have the space let them have it - they soon bulk up into substantial 'thickets' of canes, and there is no need to cut any canes out except the very weakest ones.

Annual care is simpler to summer varieties, once established just cut all canes down to the ground in late winter. Fruit is produced on the same years growth. For now, plant out, keep watered in dry spells and let them grow and get established.

Good Luck!


  • Half Acre
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  • Posts: 129
  • MMM , Raspberries !!!
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2004, 18:52:33 »
Thanks for that richard - i wondered about them spreading cos that's the reason my neighbour gives em away - if i understood him correctly, i think he's kind of thinning out what he's got and giving those away....anyway i'm very pleased to accept them and will plant them letting them have as much space as i can then let them grow and spread to their little hearts' content. I absolutely ADORE them and would like nothing more than a glut every year!!


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