Author Topic: Site Bullying  (Read 9935 times)


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Site Bullying
« on: August 06, 2010, 13:25:20 »
Hi I'm new to this forum, I wanted to ask for some advice please. We are the victims of site bullying, but it is our site representative who is the problem.  :-\

We are not the only ones, but I'd like to know what we can do please - who are site representatives? how do they get appointed? our site is council run.

This year we thought we would get involved with the allotment association, and the behaviour has escalated since. He is rude, dismisses every point we make, and reports us to the council at every opportunity. It's difficult to describe, but it is constant negativity. There are many overgrown plots, as the site was neglected for years. After speaking to the other plotholders we know they have not had any hassle for cultivation. We took on an overgrown plot last autumn, and despite my disability, we are being warned that it is not "75% cultivated yet", even though we have many beds of fruit. Admittedly, I do find the couch grass on the paths a problem, and will probably have to resort to weedkiller when finances allow, even though I am an organic gardener, I just don't want the grief :'( 

In the meantime all of our fruit has been damaged, tools stolen from our shed and we have been reported again. It is getting more obvious that we are not wanted on the site, by whoever is responsible, but we are feeling singled out by the person who is supposed to represent us :-[

We have spoken to other plotholders, and although they feel the same way - the main victims are black, gay or have health problems - no-one wants to stand up to him, we all go there like church mice when we know he is not around. Harassment is difficult to prove though, I don't want to lose our plot as we waited so long - but I am finding going to the allotment stressful and a very saddening experience.

I can understand the non-cultivation rules, but we only have paths that are not planted and some brambles at the back. When we used black plastic, it was down for a month and we had warning letters. Others have had plastic in place over a year. I am really upset about this, the council don't spend much time on the site and they rely on our site rep. After they inspected our plot, our warnings were rescinded but this is constant stress. I just want to grow my own in peace.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2010, 13:36:00 »
Welcome to the site.  I am afraid I cannot help you directly, but I know others will (no doubt including "unwashed") who are usually very helpful with advice.  However, I feel for you and understand this must be very difficult for you, so I hope you resolve the situation

All I can advise is make a list of issues, including dates, so that if you need evidence ever, you have a list of events.  Small problems all add up...



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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2010, 13:47:32 »
Thanks Mat

Old bird

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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2010, 16:32:55 »
I hope you just get your head down and stick with it!

Some people ie the site representative may think you are criticising him directly when you mention problems.  Some people don't like anything like it.  I feel sorry that the people least able to speak up for themselves feel intimidated.

I would - if I were you - keep going - avoid the times when the site rep is around and just show them how good you are by getting your plot up and keeping it as well as you are able.

I have today resigned as site representative for my site as nothing was getting done and the chairman was taking over and making all the decisions on his own!  It is not always a pleasant job as you get the blame for anything and everything - so I will just be another plot holder.  Bliss!

Old Bird ;D


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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2010, 16:34:08 »
Sounds to me like you need a properly elected comittee with Chairman,Secretary etc.
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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2010, 16:41:19 »
We are the victims of site bullying, but it is our site representative who is the problem. 

........ I'd like to know what we can do please - who are site representatives? how do they get appointed? our site is council run.

I am allotment supervisor on our site and answer directly to our elected town council as they are my line manager whilst in this post. The position of allotment supervisor became available and I had to attend an interview with some council members.   Any plotholder who has a grievance about decisions I make can appeal to the town council in writing.  

You will need to make a diary of events,  comments, conversations and outcomes.  Likewise, any other plotholder who feels the same should also do the same to aid your case.  Should you feel the need to make a complaint then this is to be to the council who appointed your supervisor.  You can  request a meeting with a council representative,  and if you feel you are still getting nowhere then bring up the matter at the next public council meeting.  Whatever evidence you submit,  the accused must have the op pertunity to defend themselves.  A meeting of both parties with the council as intermediaries would be best.  I have been fortunate enough to be able to deal with 95% of incidents resulting in an amicable outcome so have not had to meet that way to date.  

Alternatively,  if your supervisor is voted in,  you can always stand for the position at the annual meeting where he is appointed.
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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2010, 16:56:35 »
Reading this makes me glad we're fully independent with - as Fork says - a properly elected Committee.

You mention an allotment association. What do they do? Or is he a one-man-band? (Semi-derilect allotment sites seem to throw up people like that!)


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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2010, 17:11:54 »
Who needs a committee?
We just have an annual meeting which all allotmenteers are welcome to attend and discuss matters


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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2010, 19:50:39 »
Hello Badger, welcome to A4A.

Bullying is difficult, but you deal with it on an allotment just as you deal with it anywhere else.  It's an ugly accusation to make though, so be objective.  If your steward is telling you that your plot needs to improve then consider whether objectively that's true, because it's better for you that your steward takes the time to tell you personally rather than gives up on you and asks the council to send the eviction letter.

It's unlikely your council will deal with a complaint of bullying sympathetically.  For one, it's an accusation that gets made against the most benign site stewards by feckless individuals who get an allotment and then don't cultivate it.  For two, it's embarrassing to deal with if it were true so it's easier to ignore you.  For three, you'll be complaining, and what councils hate is complainers.  For four, your personal discomfort isn't any concern of theirs, but finding a new steward would mean work for them.

However, they might possibly do a professional job, and as ktlawson says, the steward has every right to have the accusation put to him in person and to refute the allegation, so at the end of the day there will be some unpleasantness and there's no fair way to avoid that.  But that's life.

Of course if your steward is a rascist, homophobic bigot and you can collect objective evidence to support that then if your council don't do anything you can take the complaint to Trading Standards and ask them to put a rocket up the council for unlawful discrimination.
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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2010, 19:55:52 »
If they're elected there's a solution. You won't be the only victim. We had it on my site, and all the thieving going on eventually turned out to be down to them as well. Eventually the person responsible came up for re-election. Someone insisted on standing against them, and that was the end of it.


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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2010, 13:16:32 »
Hi thanks for your advice

I should have elaborated - the association was set up early this year - does that mean control will go to the association instead of the council?

He is both site rep and chairman. It was going to be an informal association, but it is becoming increasingly exclusive. I am on the committee, but in a minor role, that is when the harassment and damage started. It is hard to prove, and petty. Others have made complaints to the council about him before, now we know why! most people want to keep a low profile.

The gay couple are quite intimidated, one of the guys will not go there alone because he gets shouted at. Their plot is immaculate, so they get blamed for security issues. Then when we went on holiday, which everyone on the committee knew about, we came home to warnings for non-cultivation. The council then had a look, and said it wasn't bad at all. Then I was unwell, and we were reported again - luckily we had already told the council. We were also reported for our sheet mulch barely after we had laid it down, others have been away for whole summers and had sheet mulch for 18 months and said they have never been reported.

I think as it is only my paths that are the problem, I will weedkiller them, and get some help to dig out the roots. Even though I grow organically, and really don't like it, I don't want to risk losing my plot and all my work.  Then he will have no ammunition. I'll keep a diary and take photos......maybe start a blog then everyone can see.  I don't know if his friends at the site will re-elect him, he kind of got in by default. I am going to dig my heels in, we don't have a garden and waited 3 years for an allotment. We don't make a habit of complaining, but there have been security issues and damage to our plants that we had to mention.

Thanks for the encouragement  :)


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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2010, 13:43:26 »
Hi and welcome to A4A. Lots of good advice on here  :)

Sorry to hear you are having problems. And after the waiting and all your hard work it must be so frustrating. Like others have suggested keep a diary, if theft occurs from sheds etc then report it to the police and the allotment officer. I'd also add that the Council will have an anti bullying strategy and statement, plus anti racism / homophobic / etc policy. So maybe you could seek some redress via the council using their own policies? Bullying is vile. And I wish you every success in dealing with it

1066  :)


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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2010, 19:23:22 »
It sounds very stressful. It sounds like you're doing the right things.

And you're not alone, in that even if this bully was only bullying you - there are many bullies out there, and it happens to lots of people at some time or another. It's usually made up of many small things, which are hard to describe, and that always makes it hard to complain or to 'prove'. So lots of people will know exactly how you feel right now. I just hope you manage to find a solution soon.

Stay strong!


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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2010, 19:58:27 »
Hi, and welcome,
Badger13, I have what maybe a bit of a long in the tooth way of doing things.
Firstly try to make sure that when you are on the plot not to be there alone and have if possible somebody who is of strong will and knowledgeable of the rules who can back you up. Yes this is hard to do, but it does help to have ammunition on your side.
Secondly, I would try to have a Dictaphone switched on if this person approaches  you with their rants and outcry's of bullying. This is another good way to beat the bullies at their own game. Intimidate them.
Thirdly has already been mentioned, and that is to keep a log of all activity that occurs and try to get photographic evidence.
I know they will try to beat you down, but you must if you really want to stay strive to keep the peace and not rise to any banter which comes your way.
Test the ground with other parties on the allotment to see if they can support you with the claims and allegations which have been highlighted.
Be true to yourselves and hope that time will heal any bad feeling on this site.
Tackle what you can and keep the faith.
If all else fails then dig in for a long winter and show them up in the new year with a plot they can only be envious of. You have done well to get as far as you have.

Got them back now to put some tread on them


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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2010, 23:17:30 »
I can't help you with the technicalities but just wanted to touch base and send you some support.

Bullies thrive on this and don't do so well if you stand up to them.

Don't give in, easy to say I know, but if you know in your heart that you haven't done anything wrong then don't make his problem your problem

If the site is new I think he is trying to get things the way he wants them, in the bigger picture it probably won't work.

Bullies only pick on those folks who they think they can intimidate. The council are not going to worry about weeds if on holiday, your lotties will be swings and roundabouts anyway. I would get a few catch phrases ready for when he starts and stick to "I don't like your tone".. or "I am happy to talk to you when you are less rude" etc... say them and walk away..the onus is on him to follow you.. if he threatens you with the council say something like.. "I have already been in touch with them"..or "yes I think that is a good idea, a meeting with them and you may be just the thing." He may stick his heels in for a while but I bet he doesn't last too long, his attitude is all wrong and it will sort him out in the end.

If it got really bad, I would be in touch with an association for the disabled, same with the Gay couple,he may well be intimidated is soemone from one of those associations contacted him..prior to contacting the council. It is all very political but it can work.

Just remember that bullies can't be bullies if there are folks who won't be victims..

Make very sure his complaints have no foundation so it is not seen as sour grapes, then dig in your heels and stand your ground.

Good Luck

XX Jeannine
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Re: Site Bullying
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2010, 10:43:34 »

Noticed that you mentioned disability. I'm going through a bit of conflict on my site regarding this. Not totally sure but look at the Equal Opps site for responsibilities of Services. If you're self-managed then also look at 'Clubs and Associations'.

All public bodies should abide by 'The Duty to Promote Disability Equality: Statutory Code of Practice'. It's long but worth a browse. Again, if self-managed, it's worth looking at point 5.18 & 5.19, then Section 2. I think, from this, that self-managed sites need to abide by the General part of the Code (Section 2) too.

Hope this is useful.



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