Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Newspaper in Compost

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I get thru a whole lot of newspapers, and i have heard that you can use this on the compost. Is this true, and if so, how much could i put on.

Yes you can use paper.

I have a shredder at home so I put the shredded remains in the compost, but I think you could use whole sheets as well.

As far as I understand it the general rules are:
[/list]don't use shiny paper e.g. glossy magazines;
[/list]don't put it in the compost in a huge block, mix it up with layers of other types of stuff.

My council also sent me a nice leaflet about making good soil, without digging, which said you could put a layer of cardboard or newspaper on the soil, then pile compost on top then pile straw on top of that, and it would all get incorporated into the soil over the winter.

Ten x

Ohh dots in the wrong places sorry!

Mrs Ava:
My gramps mixes wripped up newspaper with his grasscuttings as he is shoving it on his compost heap so you don't get a lump of smelly slimey gooooooooo.  He swears by the Times - tut - but I agree, so long as it isn't shiney, it will rot in no time!  I am going to save mine to shred up and pile up in the bottom of my bean trench over the winter.

Give it a good soaking before you add whole newspapers to either a trench or compost heap. Shredded paper will absorb water, but large wads of it can stay dry and then do not rot.


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