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Wish someone would tell the cabbage white butterflies to lay their eggs on my nasturtiums, they much prefer my sprouts, PSB and cauliflower.
We have had terrible trouble with slugs on our plot, it was lower than our neighbour but raising the beds and keeping a sort of ditch around the insides seems to work, put some lengths of old rotting wood over the lowest bit then every visit Collect the slugs is what one of our allotment holders showed us he does, he keeps score of how many he catches. Seems to be quite a few on his score card. Turn the wood over and there are always clusters of them there. He cuts them in two with a pen knife a jug of salt water does a reasonable job. It gets horribly slimy yuk.The couple who seem to have less slugs on their plot keep chickens at home and bring the chuks down regularly for a good peck round.It does seem like an unwinnable war with them. I read that they can go for ages without eating anything.The majority of British slugs are actually carnivorous, they eat other slugs. And most of the others lack the strength of mouth parts to eat green material, they live on partly decomposed matter. It is snails which do the most damage to plants rather than slugs.
( the big black ones eat cat sh*t)
have you actually seen slugs doing the damage? it usually is snails that are the real villain, true, the lace slugs like fresh greens, but most of the others ptrefer partially rotten food. ( the big black ones eat cat sh*t)
the little black ones are juveniles, and yes, they travel through the soil (under copper rings) ;)
The majority of British slugs are actually carnivorous, they eat other slugs. And most of the others lack the strength of mouth parts to eat green material, they live on partly decomposed matter. It is snails which do the most damage to plants rather than slugs.
And most of the others lack the strength of mouth parts to eat green material,
ain't they fantastic creaturesQuoteThey are horrible. I picked 25 off one bean plant on one night alone. Only had small slugs until a few years ago. They do however love beetroot and certain varieties of that, so this might be a good sacrifice.
They are horrible. I picked 25 off one bean plant on one night alone. Only had small slugs until a few years ago. They do however love beetroot and certain varieties of that, so this might be a good sacrifice.