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Crop protection

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By the way I think if you're buying actual Enviromesh this site works out a bit cheaper than Suttons.

Barowl I did take a look at the above link but found that it doesn't work out much different than Suttons for the size I want which is.............4.5x2.1 or 15ftx7ft.

It never fails to amaze me how creative some folk are, thanks for sharing your inventiveness. Can I jump on here and ask if anyone's bought any of the Lidl Arches (no parking fees  ;)), theirs are £4ish. Also thanks for the tip about the plastic cloche tunnels for Wilkies, went an bought 2 and then went back an bought 2 more. Then thought, hang on that blue water pipe's ony £20. DOH. But settled myself with thought that if you saw it as a barg then it's good enough for me and would hav had to buy the plassi and then do some clever stuff. Hope in time, I'll be inspired to you and others' ability to re-invent stuff instead of getting excited about bargains, sure would help the coffers. Thanks again.   

Shirlton sorry for taking so long to acknowledge - it's just 'brill', I didn't think to use canes to extend, they say keep it simple don't they, you obviously have that practical streak that I am still looking for. I was talking to a Lotti neighbour yesterday and the best we could come up with was to turn them the other way and use them down the centre-not ideal!
I will definitely copy-unabashed for pinching your idea :) :) Thank you for sharing

I've been looking at this thread again as i finally took the arches I got from Argos out of their boxes yesterday. Don't think they'd ever be strong enough to stand up for long on my plot, but they'll make great crop protection , so thanks again for the idea, Shirlton.

We have just put one at the entrance to our plot. Ower Tone just drives a couple of wooden posts into the ground and fastens the arch onto them with electric ties. We have also done this with the ones in the garden.


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