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Mmmmm..... lemonade

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Does anyone have a recipe for making lemonade? My mum used to make it years ago but can't remember how it was done and I'd love to try making it myself
Many thanks
Plottie ;)

Thanks for reminding me Plottie, haven't made any this year. It's basically just lemons water and sugar.

Haven't my recipe to hand but this will give you an idea (minus the orange blossom water, and mint -although my mum always put a big sprig in the jug).

I'll try and remember to look up my recipe tonight.


Delia does a yummy one - it's in her Summer collection book - will try to remember to post it later.

Ok , finally here it is courtesy of DS

 6 large lemons
 approx 5oz (150g) granulated sugar

Scrub lemons in warm water & thinly pare the outer zest from 3 of them with a potato peeler or zester.
Remove any white pith with a sharp knife (prevents bitterness)
Now put the zest in a bowl and add the sqeezed juice from all the lemons - (no need to strain at this stage) and the sugar.
Next pour in 2.5 pints (1.4 litres) of boiling water., stir well, cover and leave overnight in a cool place.
Next day , stir again and taste to check sweetness, adding a little more sugar  if necessary.
Now strain through a fairly coarse sieve ( it's nice to have a few 'bits' of lemon)
Pour into bottles then cork with sterilised corks and chill thoroughly. Serve either as it is or diluted with soda water & lots of ice.

It is really delicious  - i have just served it in  a big jug  (no bottles or corks ) and have never had any left over as it is so good.


Unwaxed lemons, of course! = Tim


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