Allotment Stuff > Locations and Sites

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Allotment Association

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Anyone know who we contact to get copies of the agenda for this meeting and the notes of last years meeting? I'm asking as I am sure that our site secretary will not pass this information on.

I'll also post a notice up on our site with the date, time and place of the AGM.


the agenda should be displayed on your site?I'll post an image of our message.
rgds, tony


The AGM was a a bit of a shock I think for a few! 
Very good turnout but I have seen better organised meetings in my son's school run by students
(he is Seven & at John Grants Special School)

I cannot agree with the way the treasurer was slipped back into his treasury position without the option for an alternative, when the ballot paper said the vote was for secretary/treasurer I would assume that the people who voted, voted the current treasurer out as he lost the ballot!

Well done Tonybloke for getting on the committee!

Perhaps things will change

My father and I left after about an hour - I was the one who spoke to the top table before I left.  I made the point that it would be impossible to agree the minutes of this AGM as we couldn't hear what was going on and there would therefore be arguments over what was actually raised and agreed.  I also suggested that future meetings were more structured and controlled with people having access to roving microphones so that we could all hear the comments being raised.

What was the point of asking people to vote for a treasurer/secretary if they just ignored the majority view??


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