Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Old fasioned CHEMICALS !!!!

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Anyone know of nasty b***tard chemical that will kill brambles off and leave soil usable a year later ?

sodium chlorate?

- thought SBK did? 6 weeks? = Tim

You must be desperate (and sound it)!
Sorry, hope you get the job done. Good luck.

Hi Fingle

While ago, I had a quarter of one of my plots to clear - rank with weeds.  Desperate to use the area next spring, with NO time at all to clear by hand, I used weedkiller.  Very carefully, following instructions to the letter.  Once the weeds were "well and truly dead" - truned it over quickly with the spade.

Result in spring?

One quarter plot full of nasty, nasty, nasty, sour soil;  thick, cold, wet, dead.  Not a worm except in the 12 inches round the edge; no sign of any life in the middle whatsoever.

---------------- Except?  Couch grass!  Alive and kicking!  The bloody stuff was dancing around in jubilation!!!!!!!

Two weekends of the dirtiest, hardest digging I've ever done - the soil actually stank, and I'd to remove these great stinking clumps of weed roots in February, cold, dank and miserable.  

There is no smiley yet invented to indicate what I was feeling!  :)

If I were back again with that bed to clear?  I'd wait and do it by hand slowly, bit by bit, and to pot with being over-ambitious.  Nothing would persuade me to use weedkiller again.

Anyway - that's by way of anecdote!  Not advice!  

Good luck - Gavin


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