Photo Gallery > Photo Talk

**Photographer looking for allotment owners in south**


Hi there, I bit new to this whole thing. here goes. I'm a student photographer studying at Southampton solent uni and for my next project id love to be able to take pictures of you guys and your allotments. My aim really is to see how allotment space is used, who uses it and what besides the food wot you get out of owning an allotment. Im actually quite interested in owning my own little space myself so I guess its also to see if i can hack all the hard work :)

By the end of the project I would love to get a book  printed and possibly published. I'm basically looking for anyone either in a 50 miles radius of Southampton or Exeter (home when im not at uni) if your interested please either send me a message on here or preferably email me at

Thanks for your time.



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