The Show > Sunflowers


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Mine are still growing, you can just make them out between my dog, Skeela and the trees. There's a flower bud just starting, tho..

Mrs Ava:
So excited!  Mine are the talk of the plot!  I can hardly reach the top now and they now have flwore buds showing!  Going to easily top 7 foot I think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 ;D :D :o  'Fraid i'm going to have to send me Elephant down if you've got a seven footer EJ ::) ::) ::)

Roy Bham UK:
Can we have a prize for the smallest (Sunflower that is)My tallest of 4 is approx 2ft :o :o :o

Only one of mine is doing well - it's way taller than me and I'm 6'2" it looks like it's developing a flower now so I don't imagin it'll get much bigger. It's in a pot so I assume we measure from the soil level to the highest point ?



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