Produce > Ponds 'n' Stuff

Pond Cleanout

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I spent today cleaning out my mothers pond. It has not been touched in years, so removed about a third of the water, scraped alot of stinky goop from the bottom, and got rid of her overgrown waterlily.  :) It is probably the wrong time of the year, but as I had to go in up to my nether regions, bare footed, it had to be done whilst the water is still fairly warm! :o My shower awaits! hope I have not freaked the poor fish out too much.

I`ll bet the stinky goop was full of wildlife.  Hope you left it all on the side of the pond so that all the various nymphs, larvae, etc could get back in.

Of course! I am a nice person!!  :) Saw loads of nymphs, and found at the bottom the most enormous black fish, has goldy bits on it, but looked rather like a trout in shape! Any ideas what it could be? I have a funny feeling my Dad put tench in 15 years or so ago because someone was getting rid of them...I wonder could it be that? I was as shocked as it when I scooped it up in my net!! He/she was huge! :o

Hi Doris,
So you had a nice surprise when you cleaned the pool out? Normaly it is done in the spring but as you said if you have to wade in the water must still have been chilly.  :o
no idea what you have perhaps leggless or margaret can help there. ;)

Hi Doris and Teresa.(must swap holiday stories,Teresa,but still getting over mine !!)

Anyway,the fish could be a goldfish that has never fully changed colour.I cannot think of any other fish it could be.Tench are either golden or green.Rudd are varying shades of red to brown,and orfe are also golden.Unless it was a type of Koi.Teresa,you would know on that score.

You did right to clean up the pond.Does it have a filter/pump,or is that the only fish in there? If it is a big pond it should be O.K.but if only small perhaps it would be kinder to give it a decent,proper fish pond.


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