Produce > Ponds 'n' Stuff

Barley Straw

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I hope that all you pond lovers have noted the latest edict from our masters in the European Soviet Union - the use of barley straw in ponds to clear green water is now to be BANNED, and its future use will be a criminal offence.

Unbelievable as this may sound, I can assure you that it is correct.  The reason given is that nobody has gone to the trouble and expense of proving to the satisfaction of our masters that barley straw is completely harmless, and until somebody does the standard Euro dictum of Guilty until proven innocent will apply.

Well thats about right for the so called body. ???
If something works ban it, what anoys me is someone is sitting in a office and getting paid a high wage to think of what to ban next.  :o
Insteed of investigating it them selves and printing the findings to much like hard work just ban it. >:(
I have never used it but know a few people who have and have been happy with it. ;)
Pity we never had these problems before we joined them and now they run our lives. ::)
What will they think of next to warrent their wages? >:(

What I'd like to know is how the ban can possibly be enforced! Do they plan on wasting even more of our money by employing 'pond snoopers'? ::)

I, for one, shall continue to use barley straw until my supply is used up!!  ;D

Happy Monday morning everyone. :)


fantastic! can you imagine how the police call centre would react if you tried to report your neighbours!!!  ;D how pathetic!

While I fully agree with all your sentiments, may I remind you of the case of the Metric Martyrs?  Any local authority which is prepared to having its Inspectors wasting days of their expensive (for the ratepayers) time searching the markets for anybody selling apples by the pound will be just as happy to have them peering over your garden fence and prodding into your pond. And for the boys at DEFRA (Department for Eradication of Farming and Rural Affairs) who revelled in the completely unnecessary slaughter of half the nation`s stock of livestock, a dawn raid on your fish pond (complete with EU warrants and stun guns) would simply be a jolly outing.


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