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Fresh water mussels

Started by Gardengirl, January 16, 2004, 00:02:58

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A couple of years ago we put a few fresh water mussels into our pond as we were told that they would help filter the water and keep it healthy.  Now we are left with just large shells :(

When the tadpoles were in the pond in the spring we noticed they were all hanging on to the mussels.  Did the tadpoles eat them I wonder ???
Happy gardening all...........Pat


Happy gardening all...........Pat


Very likely Pat.It is a well known fact that tadploes eat meat and usually do not get enough to eat in a pond in the later stages.Someone once told me they threw a snail into the pond where toad tadpoles were and it was set on like piranhas.obviously they were starving,poor things.

I have never thought mussels good for a pond.they do not do well,and the poor things usually die and can then rot if not eaten and pollute the pond.

How are you Pat.Nice to see we got the pets board after your request.



Thanks for the reply Margaret - it is much as I thought.  I am well but fed up with not being able to do much outside at the moment so as you say am pleased with the arrival of the Pets Board which I will no doubt use quite a bit, being a 'dogmaniac' ::)

Are you able to post any pics to the Pets board.  Would love to see them if possible.
Happy gardening all...........Pat


Margaret, another tadpole question for you! We have always feed ours towards the end with dried cat food, (get the ones that look like an "O", and they look like they are hanging onto a life raft!!)(I put them in a seperate barrel pond away from the fish!) They always seem to grow big n healthy and leave the nest to eat juicy slugs for me. The question is, is ths a good idea or should I be feeding them something else? What do you think? Dottie P.
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


Hi Doris.As tadpoles grow their needs change from eating plant material to needing meat,so anything with a meat base is fine,so long as you do not overfeed and risk polluting the water.If you put them in a barrel they are not able to get their natural food like small insects,so the next best thing is proper fish food or pellets.Cat food,or mince,as i once tried, is oK for a treat but will soon pollute if used all the time.The fish food is made up of several different things so they do not miss out on a variation of nutrients.

If this happens every year then why not provide them,like i did, with their own nature pond and it will give you great interest all year round then.With plants all round the pond for cover they won't be tempted to get into your fish pond as fish and amphibians do not mix.

Isn't it great to have the board back ? I am going to chat later on.  Best wishes


They do have their own barrel Margaret, filled with weed and marginals! they seem to be happy taddies :-) well away from my fish!! I scoop em up when they are spawn and transport them to their new home, started so the kids could see them evolve!! We love em!! Dp
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.

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