Author Topic: Advice needed about prospective new plot !  (Read 6945 times)


  • Hectare
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Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« on: May 15, 2007, 21:29:07 »
After 15 long months, I've had the call !  Well actually it was a letter from the secretary saying if I still wanted a plot, call him asap.

So tonight we went to visit.  Here are the options.

1) Smallish, one I could manage on my own.  Pretty clean, reckon I could weed the whole thing in a good session over a weekend.  Could be planting in a few weeks. Access (for free) to the committee hut which is just to the side.  No other hut there, nor greenhouse, but reckon I could live with that.  The downside, in the winter it floods.  It's right next to the secretary's plot and his floods a bit too but he's been there years and copes.  The reason the plot's so small is that the drainage thingy has been put in the furthest half of the plot  next to a high wall belonging to the rugby club next door.  So I think effectively it's a quarter plot available.  A wee trek to the gate, but if we've got anything big, it could go over the rugby wall !  Get's the sun for most of the day.

2) Big, too big for me on my own.  A tonne of junk and overgrown with all sorts including broken glass and corrugated metal sheeting.  A kind of arbour thing which would have possibilities, but I couldn't see us getting anything planted until next season.  Location's not bad and if it were a lot cleaner, I think this would be the preference, but I could hear the OH groan as we stopped by the fallen down gate and stepped over the barbed wire (also fallen down). 

3)  Even bigger.  No observable rubbish as in No. 2, but that maybe cos it's hidden in the weeds.  More of a major job than No. 2 as it's so big.  More of a trek to the main gate and up the cold end of the site.

So, if I'm taking anything, it's going to have to be No. 1.  Nice size, not too much work to start with, would definitely get something in this year (thinking beans, courgettes, squash - all of which would be too cramped in the garden).  My only concern is the drainage.  This is a new drainage system which Mr Secretary reckons has made matters slightly worse lol.  Like the man says, we wouldn't be up there in winter anyway (little does he know lol).  All my overwintered stuff could stay in the garden at a push.

So what do you reckon experts ?  Am I asking for trouble ?  Looked dry enough to me today although didn't break ground, and we did have stair-rods coming down last night.  Could this be a good thing ?  Constantly moist soil ?  Could I get away with raised beds ?  Pallets for paths ?  See I'm already thinking, but would love to hear your opinions.

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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2007, 21:35:48 »
it didn't stop us, our plot used to be under water for 3 months out of the year, we just raised the beds well above it..the challenge is..getting enough soil to build them up  :)
I guess you'll have to decide how much work you can put in, can you take one on for this season and swap for something bigger when you need to ?
« Last Edit: May 15, 2007, 21:37:50 by manicscousers »


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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2007, 21:45:15 »
Our two flood in the winter at one end too but we cope. Personally though I would go for number 2. I would mentally forget about 1 half and work on the other half. For me, if we took the little one and whipped it into shape quickly I would then think well I could have done the big one albeit a bit longer.

If the big one was all clean and done could you manage it sizewise.

If you can take the smaller one and swap that is a good idea too but then you have spent time on something you are leaving.

 1 half on one of our plots is full of soft fruits and a huge strawberry bed,raspberry fence etc and another as an asparagus bed, They take up tons of space and are easily maintained.

The other half is then easier to cope with.
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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2007, 21:45:26 »
Currently you've got to be in a plot for 2 years before transferring, but Mr Sec said there was rebellion in the ranks and a new plottee was raising the issue at the AGM at the beginning of June.  Which of course I would be entitled to vote in, should I take up the plot !   :P

At the moment, I'm running around daft in the garden as well, and really the lottie is extension of that rather than an entirely new venture.  The OH isn't into hard labour, and there is a far off plan to move south in a few years time, so I really can't afford to spend a year getting it plantable.

I'm a bit nervous of a new style of growing though.  Now, I can just pop out the patio doors and do what I need to at a moment's notice.  Learning how to grow from a distance will be interesting !

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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2007, 21:56:01 »
Strawberries are staying at home Jeannine, at least two beds will be anyway.   :P

Good thinking about the raspberries though.  I some in pots this year but they certainly didn't like that, and promptly died !   :'(

I didn't even think to ask how we would get the rubbish off site if I took that one.  How do people usually it.  Must read the rules and see if anything's mentioned.

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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2007, 22:04:16 »
from what little I know of you it sounds like the first plot will suit your lifestyle more Mrs KP - you are SOOOO busy .. and of course you already have your garden which is so convenient for things that require daily attention. 

It does take a little more effort / planning to have a trip to the lottie and can be quite disheartening if you've not got enough time to lick it into shape - another plus for plot 1 - the squashes and courgettes would likely appreciate the extra moisture ?  I like the idea of mimimal work, results this year, with potential to move to more demanding plot next year.

Good luck with whatever decision you make


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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2007, 22:15:48 »
Now that's really common sense mc55!  I've been quite nervous about getting to the top of the list, umming and aahing, should I, shouldn't I when the offer came !

So I really don't want to overstretch myself and although I will be able to coerce the OH into a bit of manual labour (bed building? - he likes hammering nails in lol) I really don't think i'd keep his interest for very long.  This is very much MY thing as opposed to OUR thing.

No. 1 looking good ! ;D
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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2007, 22:34:52 »
I personally would go for the bigger plot - no2 or even 3.
When we got our allotment it was massive (4m narrowing to 3m  x 16m long), we could only dream of the veggies that we could grow (we have a 2m x1m raised bed in the garden!), we told the children that they could have there own place to grow and we would have so much space.
Well just over a month on, we have run out of space, want to grow loads more! The chiren didnt get their space either!
I think we will see how we get on, but seriusly consider putting in for another one as well later this year!
Good luck with whatever decision you make
Lottie at Upton St Leonards, Gloucester
Lottie owner since 11th April 2007.
Still in the plot   36 Leeks, 1x rows parsnips, 2x  rows chard, psb, broccoli, 5 rows garlic, 1 row swede, lots of onions - started in rows, but the birds had them and now they are random!!

veggie perin

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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2007, 22:41:13 »
Hi Kp,
glad to hear you're finally getting one, would suggest that you take the small one to start with OR, why not ask if they would rent half of number 2 to you and let the other half to someone else? As you know,my new plot is about 3 times as big as my last one, but it does take a lot of work (especially this month), I've been spending about 12hrs a week and still working full time, and this is a plot that was in great nick (apart from the MARESTAIL!!!), remember
it should be an enjoyable hobby and not a chore...good luck, let's know how you get must update my blog when I get a free second or two ;)
...regards ..Veggie


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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2007, 22:51:30 »
KP I haven't got a lottie but knowing quite a bit about your life style I think plot 1 would be the one for you. If OH had a real interest then things would perhaps be different. Recently what with your work and keeping the garden going you have been bushed. Mind you, there is probably as much produce in your garden as there is in some peoples lotties ;D
Do what you feel comfortable with, good luck.


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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2007, 22:51:39 »
Have still got to get down and see yours Veggie.  We'll have to plan a visitation !  And aye, I popped into the blog the other day !   8)

No. 3 which is a no no anyway as it's up the coolest side of the site (not far from the huge conifers) could be split as it's so huge.  And No. 2 has a plot each side and I think I'd feel hemmed in.  No. 1 is at the end of a short row in a cul-de-sac which would not have any passing traffic, only Mr Sec next door and access to the hut.  Maybe enough passing peeps to give advice but also to let me get on with it. ;D

There IS only two of us SueSteve (plus the friends and rellies) lol. Which reminds me, I've not had so much as a courgette off you yet Reggie !

Did you see Gavin's hydrangea recently, it's tips are rotting !  I've got to get over there and prune !

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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2007, 22:52:42 »
but knowing quite a bit about your life style



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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2007, 00:19:26 »

Yaaaaay! We never thought this day would come!

For what it's worth (and knowing quite a bit about your lifestyle) I think No 1 is your best bet. It does allow you to do a bit more, it gives you a measure of privacy, it's not going to be a stressful thing when you can't get it all into shape in 10 minutes flat and it's not going to take up even more of your limited time with him indoors.

There, that's my take on it. Start planning now!



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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2007, 06:20:36 »
I think I've been laying out string and paths in my sleep !  I wish I'd have taken the tape measure with me now.   ;D

I think I might just chuck work to fit this all in.  What do you reckon ?

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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2007, 07:42:35 »
You have already decided on no.1 - have you not.

As previously mentioned, try raising the beds to offset the effects of any flooding.

If only part of the plot is affected by flooding then consider having two crop rotation plans: one for the wet patch where planting may be late; and one for the drier patch where it will be at more normal times.


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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2007, 07:55:17 »
Well sounds good to me, get a job as a dinner lady, like me. Only 2hrs a day!!!!

I got an allotment at the end of last year. It was so big when I first saw it, though luckily it was in very good nick. With a shed and greenhouse (how lucky was I????) It was all just one big plot with no paths. I wondered how on earth I would manage it all and thought |I would have too much space.

I got to work with strings and pegs and divided the plot up into 9 same sized beds. Planned to use three for each type and rotate. A bit of a random kitchen type garden at one end and fruit bushes along both sides with additional strawberry plots and rhubarb. (told you i was lucky!!)

When I had finished with the pegs and string, the pot looked a lot more manageable. Bit by bit I collected old bricks and broken flags and have managed to make paths between all but two of the beds. Still on the lookout for more bricks or any other suitable material or free. I don't like to buy things as that is what allotments are all out, making something of nothing!

I sowed my seeds in the greenhouse and bit by bit dug the beds over and got rid of the weeds. I have now plated out over 50% of the plot and will easily be able to fill the rest over the next few weeks. I guess the paths lost me a lot of space but I feel that I need to work with the separate beds so I can go down and sort out one, one day, the next another, without it getting too daunting.

Of course you know what you can manage and if you are planning to move away in a few years, I can understand your need for instant planting. The trouble is, once you have got the bug you seem to thrill at having lots of scope and space. My OH is not interested either. He came down to the lottie yesterday, sat on my chair while I dug and dug...... he kept whispering, loudly.... look theres's the robin again, over there, look, look...... I kept thinking Yes., I've seen it now let me get on.... Much better going down there on my own..............  


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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2007, 08:16:22 »
You've always been Number One to us, KP 8).......


So..... you're going to confirm today then?


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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2007, 17:15:02 »
My OH is not interested either. He came down to the lottie yesterday, sat on my chair while I dug and dug...... he kept whispering, loudly.... look theres's the robin again, over there, look, look...... I kept thinking Yes., I've seen it now let me get on.... Much better going down there on my own..............  

 ;D ;D wonder if our OH's are related - that's more or less exactly what mine does


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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2007, 18:23:25 »
I would go for No2. Work on an area of ground no larger than the size of plot 1. Leave the rest to vegetate. Get the selected area  cultivated and sow what you you want to grow. Once this is done - you will be waiting for the stuff to grow. This takes time!. Whilst this is growing - then chip away at the rest of the plot. By the time your veg has grown for harvesting - the remainder of your plot should be well under way in preparation for next year. This way you are not rushing all over the whole plot & you have the space and time to plan for the future.
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Re: Advice needed about prospective new plot !
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2007, 18:56:08 »
thanks for all the advice and encouragement peeps.

and being a scardy scary custard, I've gone for No. 1 just to live up to Lishka's expectations.  No. 1 coward !  lol

I'm getting the beds done first, get everything in and then dig a drainage ditch round the edge and up the middle (under the path), between that and the garden (where numerous crops and toms are already in and underway, that should keep me fairly busy.

Having more or less had the entire crop of beans shredded whilst they were outside hardening off during the week, I've sown dozens more tonight, so by the time I've got the beds ready, so should be beans.   ;D

Spoke to nice Mr Sec today and with a bit of luck should have keys by the weekend (hopefully he'll waive the 10 days notice he has to give to all the other plot holders).

Fingers crossed for sunshine on Saturday !


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