Produce > Recipes


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I too have chef'd in me past, it was easier to cook for a restaurant of 30 instead of a family of 4!!
I am the what do I fancy for dinner tonight...look in fridge, throw that in, add that , taste n serve! So long as it involves masses of veg, we are all happy! I am quite happy pootling around in my kitchen all day (creating my own recipes which I usually forget to write down, much to the dispair of me other half!) when I can't be outside...shame the housework has to be done!
I do use the net for recipes, I usually tweak them to suit, and I have LOADS of cookery books to trawl through, and once the word curry has been mentioned in this house....nothing else will do!

Hmm time for lunch.....any ideas for me pork chops tonight??!!

I tend to buy whatever takes my fancy when I'm at the supermarket then we decide what we're having for dinner each day.  It depends on what kind of mood we're in or if we have to eat quickly before going out.

We never have ready meals.. I hate them with a passion.. so plasticky and the portions are never big enough!!

We use loads of fresh veggies and this year will be our first harvest so hopefully I'll be making fewer (or no) trips to the local veggie market.

We don't really plan our meals in advance and often surf the net for new recipe ideas if we have loads of something to use up.


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