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Tea Wine


Hi all

Tea wine is a simple one to make if you want to have a go at making your first wine.
The taste is like whisky can be strong I talk from experence :o but goes down well.

Have you got the recipe for Tea wine?

Sueshamen, I haven't tried this myself but a friend has. She says you don't have to make all the tea fresh but can keep excess tea in fridge a few days until making the wine.  She also said there are more complicated ways but this suits her.

4 pints cold tea
½ lb raisins
2 lemons
2 lb granulated sugar

Cut the raisins and slice the lemons thinly, and put them in a large bowl or jug. Add all the sugar, then pour on the cold tea. Stir till the sugar has dissolved then cover and leave it for a month.  A scum will form on the top after this time which you must remove carefully, then strain off the liquid and bottle. Tea wine can be drunk at once, but is best when kept a few months. Keep it in a cool dark place, and don’t push the corks in too hard to start with.

The easiest tea wine I have come across that is quick is:

5 tea bags
1tsp citric acid
2lb sugar
standard yeast
yeast nutrient

additional if req. raisins

bring a large pan of water to the boil simmer the tea bags for 20 minutes, remove them, add the sugar make sure this is dissolved, make sure your demi john is 1/4 full of cold water, add your mixture, add a tsp of yeast nutrient, add your yeast when activated.

if you want to add a kick to this wine, add 1LB of raisins to the tea bag adding stage and simmer for 30 mins, remove the raisins with the tea bags and proceed.

Wait for 3 weeks or when the bubbling is 1 a minute and rack, get drinking!


Oh tea wine sounds nice!  I remember when i first met my sort of MiL.  She had made some pear wine, it tasted just like pop but was deadly!!!  She wasn't impressed!

OH would like tea wine, i'm sure.  He drinks cups of black tea by the gallon load!


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