Produce > Drink ....

What's your Fave??!!

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Imagine you could grow any fruit/veg etc with no problems and then have the wherewithall to create from that bounty a fabulous tipple.......what would be your drink to make?

Mine? I'd be stuck between Limoncello (sp?) as first sampled in Sorrento, or da , the nutty liqueur from Majorca!

Love, Palefire


Definitely something fortified for me please !

Red wine of course.

But if you are ever out Sorrento way again palefire go to Amalfi and buy some cedri-they look like huge lemons,score them,rub with sugar for a day or two and immerse in grappa with additional sugar to taste.

Can`t stand the stuff myself but it does make a good Limoncello.


Mrs Ava:
Anything with almonds.....Amaretto  :P is my fave most devine drink!  Liquid marzipan!  yumyumyummyyum ;D

You'd probably like da, then EmmaJane! It's not exactly overpoweringly almond like Amaretto, but there is a distinct nutty flavour and it is made from the Majorcan national crop of almonds!

There were two kinds of Limoncello I tried; a yellow one that was thin and like an ordinary liqueur and a cream one which was like a cream version of the yellow one. Very nice and an excuse all on it's own to go to Sorrento!! I've never seen either one in Britain for sale. While I'm on the subject - Hierbes is also one for the adventurous. It's similar to pernod and there is a sweet, medium and dry version to suit everyone. Quite powerful, though - or at least, I think it was that that knocked me out!!!

Love, Palefire



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