Author Topic: Spare Sunflower Seeds  (Read 14568 times)


  • Hectare
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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2007, 01:00:11 »
No one could have failed to notice how frequently PFP has asked for free seeds. However I was quite shocked when, after posting a pic of one of my tall bearded irises, I received a pm from this 'young man' asking if I ...'could send him some rhizomes'. You can't exactly pop a pinch of iris rhizomes in an envelope, can you? Obviously I didn't send him any but I can't help wondering how many other A4A folk have been asked for freebies other than seeds. Perhaps this problem should be discussed more openly? If PFP is genuine, he should have nothing to worry about. Thank you.


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2007, 08:39:22 »
Jeannine - under what name have I opened an ebay account? Should it be skett7957 - that is my dads account. I am NOT intending to sell seeds! I am only growing the seeds for goodness sake! Is it not possible that I may just want to GROW THE SEEDS??? I've apologised for what I've done, have turned over a new leaf and am trying to start again, but people are holding me back from this. If genuine means that I am simply wanting to grow the seeds, then yes I am.



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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2007, 09:27:56 »
Grandma I think this the mainpoint that has disturbed quite a few of us,when a plant or seed is mentioned in conversation on a site it is by way of sharing an experience  or an interest,if we have seeds etc to offer to share we state that.
It is not an open invitation to ask for stock and this has been happening  all over the site, I chose to ignore it as you and many other people I know have done,but many folks have given, that is OK, it is their choice to do so,but a bigger picture is emerging now that was brought on by Pete himself.As part of it involved me, the events that  happened  and  I could do longer ignore  the situation. Others who have had similar experiences have come forwrd and we have the situation we are in now. Ignoring a child repeatedly  is not an easy position to be in and persistance,combined with inappropriate PMs eventually gets annoying.

I truly don't know where we go from here but I feel more uncomfortable about the situation than I did even yesterday.

Pete always has an explanation for everything that is uncovered, it often sounds plausible but he insists we should forgive him, I forgive him, but that does not take away the uncomfortable feeling I get everytime a bit more comes out.

This thread runs the risk  of  now turning into a for and against post for Pete and this is far too good a site to risk problems there. Pete through down the gauntlet when his request to close his account was made public. Once it is there it is more difficult to ignore it.

Any comment made brings a response from Pete, again a for or against response.

If an adult was going on sites all over the world, begging free seeds, then swapping them on other sites to get better free seeds, and this was proven, what would happen. Pete has had enough seeds to start a nursery, he knows that as do many other people, here and on all the other forums he posts on,which many of us do by the way, he cannot possible grow them all so why ask for them and accept them.  He well maybe just an overzealous kid, but  just how mch can one excuse due to his youth.

That is as far as my thinking goes.

Pete, I would like to ask you one question about a topic that may make me more settled and I would be glad of a truthful answer,who wrote the letters signed by your parents please, you do not of course have to answer,you may PM me with this one point.

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2007, 10:05:01 »
Pete, thank you for your answer. Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2007, 10:25:19 »
Thanks, Jeannine.

Even without knowing the details of your personal communication problems with PFP, this looks like it's going to be a tough one to sort out.

I didn't know anyone else had been approached, (through pms,  :o) for freebies other than seeds. Now I know I'm not the only one - that really is worrying.

PFP does seem to lean towards the more unusual/expensive varieties of everything. Not the sort of - 'I'd be grateful for anything you can spare'  - that might be expcted from a child.

Named iris rhizomes aren't cheap - and they are easily resold!

I can't imagine anyone on this site would NOT want to encourage an enthusiastic youngster in the pleasures of gardening. It just seems (to me) that the kind, generous people at A4A should be in possession of as much relevant information as possible. This would enable them to make an informed decision before parting with expensive seeds/plants etc.

Those of us who have contributed to this thread know to be cautious. An awful lot of folks won't have seen it. I don't envy Dan having to sort this out.


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2007, 16:14:53 »
This thread revisited.....

As a direct result of a PM I received this morning I've traced the verifiable links that I was given. Pete is revealed as a person who has been targetting sites world-wide to obtain v. expensive and specialized seeds.

His posts, which I've verified,  over a wide timescale have revealed inaccuracies and inconsistancies in his representation of himself, the end goal to obtain more freebie seeds than he had/has space to cultivate...(and we all know, from his postings here that his Mum isn't any great shakes in the kitchen either ::))

As a direct result of this, my Poster has put the word about on the www Forums warning them of this chappie and he's been blacklisted.

I now, and reluctantly, am doing the same here.

Many times, when newbies have come to this Site I've welcomed them with the words "check Swap Shop"! Peeps starting on on a lottie/plottie  need all the help they can get, & I've always said that although we operate 'Swaps', a pinch of seeds here & a pinch of seeds there are seldom missed by us and it's nice to encourage new growers; in time we will get back what we have sown?

This episode has left a nasty sour taste in my mouth; I feel that our collective generosity has been abused and I, for one, will feel stilted in saying such things to anyone new to growing vegetables again for a while.

To you, Pete, I in the Real World is a learning process.....if we believe that you are really going to grow all the seeds you've had, then Good On Yer, Lad.......may your acres be profitable and productive.

If you are setting up as an entrepreneur  by growing some and trading/selling on eBay (using your father's account) in the future the freebies you've acquired, then still I wish you success.

But please, please, be honest with the peeps here on Lotties4 all. I think we all appreciate an entrepeneur and would cheer one be taken for fools and lied to by misrepresentation, is something else.

Finally, what would I wish for your future here on Lotties4,  just one of the many UK sites you frequent?

I can only quote the words of Captain Oates on the ill-fated Scott Expedition....

Captain Oates was the 'very gallant gentleman' who walked to his death in a blizzard, hoping to save his comrades on Scott's disastrous South Pole expedition in 1912. As he crawled from their tent on to the ice in temperatures of -40 °C, Oates achieved immortality with the famous parting remark: 'I am just going outside and may be some time.'

Enjoy your walk..... :-[



  • Hectare
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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2007, 16:22:11 »
Lish - you've done every decent, honest, trusting person on this forum a big favour. Many, many thanks.


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2007, 16:33:45 »
Mmm ... it may be a bit "talking after the event" but I must say that something jarred with me when I first met this person in the chat room. Something seemed not quite right. Perhaps, as one who spends a great deal of time with young people, I was not convinced that he was actually 13?  Anyway probably doesn't matter. But for some reason I have studiously avoided threads where he has appeared. Just a gut feelin... ::) ???


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2007, 16:42:12 »
Lish, I have just come online  and read your posting, my question to Pete earlier which he did answer made up my mind,I am totally with you on this one.There is very little I can add to what you have already said as there is nothing I would change  in any way. We have been had,of that there is no doubt.

What I find truly sad is that encouraging the young to take an interest in gardening is a very important and I for one would encourage any child to contact me in a sensible and honest manner, I would help whole heartedly.

Pete, my advice to you is to remember when you play in the big world  it is not as big as you think,it is easy to be spotted when you frequently use the same comments, pleas and requests with the identical wordings in some of your posts to other sites.

To lie to us is bad enough, to lie in your parents name is a wicked thing to do,  we are  not fools and it was easy to see through you.

I think you should bow out gracefully.

This is a great site, I never tire of telling folks to join and get involved, it is a community of friends, there is a lot of trust here, we share and we support one another through lows and highs,through all joys and some very traumatic misfortunes. This site could not run so well if the folks that are on here did not  trust and share,and I think we do it very well. Anyone of us would I am sure jump in  and help anyone in need, but we have been abused here.

Finally the truth has come out, many of us have known for some time  and have wondered what to do. Pete, you yourself finally opened the  door.

Let us  all move on..

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2007, 16:50:22 »
Well......I've not quoted Chapter and Verse....on Easter Day? I'm not into driving nails into hands.....but if anyone wants to PM me to get the links I've followed I'll do it.... :'(

Enough that I 'triangulated'  ;D the verifications and I 'm 100% sure of what I've written....

Beg you all tho...don't be harsh on the laddie.....years back I was in my early 20s & working as a PA/Sec for an Italian millionaire in his he and his little friend Lauro (the Shipping Magnate, owner of the Achille Lauro , the hijacked liner) made their money in the back streets of Naples to start off in their respective careers is a tale in itself.......good on anyone who goes for it.

PS I've jut read Jeannine's post before I hit 'post'......well said's not a witch-hunt here, Pete,  just that peeps who freely give to you know the playing field and can make their informed decisons?.......



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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2007, 17:05:52 »
Thanks for that Lish - please don't take this as a last thought on me - I'm not all bad. I've asked Dan to delete my account, but have as of yet had no reply.


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2007, 17:17:50 »
Thanks for that Lish - please don't take this as a last thought on me - I'm not all bad. I've asked Dan to delete my account, but have as of yet had no reply.

Prob'ly out on his lottie doin lottie things? Brill day here in the West Mids.....hope he's got our good need to ask him to delete your account & do extra admin?.....if you stopped posting that would be sufficient.....good luck for the future...I'm sure that one day we will look back & say " gosh, I knew him when......"


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2007, 17:24:15 »
 Thank you for that disturbing information Alishka. I had been following this saga as a result of an episode in the chat room, and had taken a lenient posture, giving benefit of doubt, weight of evidence etc. The latest posting by pfp leads me to believe I have been duped as well (which is actually extremely easy  ;D). In my case, all I gave though was goodwill, so don't feel a victim to a scam. Like yourself however, I may also be a tad less inclined to be generous in the future.
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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2007, 21:48:42 »
Adding my piece

Ive been following this thread and threads on other internet forums with interest. I must say I agree with Jeannine and LIsh 100% cant say he had a warning,com_smf/Itemid,91/topic,29539.0


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2007, 22:14:33 »

Thanks Lish and Jeannine for following this up and protecting the reputation of the Site. As everyone has said this is a very generous board, but it would be very sad if this was spoilt by someone's abuse.  Hope it has been a learning curve for Pete.  :( busy_lizzie
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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #35 on: April 11, 2007, 14:37:08 »
I have been away in Kent for 2 weeks and to come back and read the posts on this thread certainly leaves a nasty taste!! Since joining A4A I have had several members who have been extremely kind and sent me seeds (most of you know what an OLD novice I am.) I did manage this year to return a little of the kindness. It really saddens me to read that it appears that the generous members on this site have been had, can't get much lower than that in my opinion. I have seen several posts offering certain seeds and thought I would like some of those but to be honest I have felt that I couldn't keep asking for favours. I must admit when I first started reading Pete's requests I PM'd a couple of members asking what the heck he was going to do with all the seeds. This is such a great site and I amongst many others love being a member may the site continue in the friendly atmosphere we have shared.


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2007, 18:28:46 »
Lorna, don't you ever dare not ask, there is a big difference between you and the other problem, I for one would be mortified if you didn't ask. No one person can have all the seeds that are available in the world wide market, and sharing seeds is a blessing.  Nice to see you back, XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2007, 18:56:53 »
Thanks Jeannine, I got back Mon evening and spent 3 hours trying to catch up on 150 emails and attempting to read 2 weeks of A4A posts.......haven't finished them yet ;D


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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2007, 19:04:04 »
Drop me a note when you dig yourself out xx Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

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Re: Spare Sunflower Seeds
« Reply #39 on: April 12, 2007, 11:55:26 »
I have to say as a newbie this thread really freaked me out! :'(

I remember how I felt when I was accused of being a sales person in my first thread, (thanks Redclanger! :'()so as I read through the messages it all felt a bit Lord of the Flies-ish. Then as I checked out past threads I looked at it from the other point of view and understood the feelings of people who had been taken for a ride.

Having gone away and pondered for a while something else hit me. If this had been a children's forum and you were young teens, how many would have happily arranged to meet this person? Scary huh? I have used it as a perfect example to explain to my 13 year old daughter why I have changed the parental control options to only allow her on sites I approve of. I explained that it isn't because I don't trust HER, (although I can remember being 13 so there is an element of that!)it's because I don't trust people who can say they are anything they want to be in order to get something they want. She's not happy, but at least she understands why I'm doing it.

By the way, I am either a tall blonde gorgeous woman with a figure to rival Jordan...or I'm a short redhead with grey choose the most plausible! ;)


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