Produce > Edible Plants


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Hi folks!!

one of my friends has loads of watercress growing in a stream that runs through his garden....  we're of the opinion that you should only eat the cress if the water is very clean..

does anyone know where we could get a water quality testing kit?  and what should we be testing for to make sure that it is safe to eat?

Thanks,  Clare

Hi Clare

No real knowledge on this one but I would have thought that if the stream has a good balance of wildlife in it that would be some indication.

Also you will be washing it thoroughly,might be an idea to contact the water authority as well.


Definitely watercress for eating has to come from very pure water.  With Steph on this one, water board consultation!

However, does sound as if your supply is healthy

With farming practices today, there is no guarantee that, if you did a test today, it would be safe tomorrow?

A test kit could cost you £100 or so - including clinical analysis.

You can always grow it like we do - in trays? But I would hate to see the real stuff going to waste! = Tim

The parasites of sheep liver fluke spend a part of their life in water snails, until they are released.  If this should occur, or if a rat should urinate into the stream, the day after your analysis has proved the water clean you might find that eating the watercress had some strange effects


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