Author Topic: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?  (Read 44621 times)


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Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« on: March 01, 2007, 15:55:27 »
I have been thinking about Sarah for days and especially today, and I just wondered if we could do something to remember her.  She has touched so many lives here and really made her mark.

I am not very good at decisions so will leave it all to you out there but I thought of something, perhaps a shrub/rose/bed full of veggies mulched with straw we could all send donations for to the hospice. 

Or maybe people just want to do something individually, I will leave it to you. 

The lady who is going to fundraise for her local hospice is a wonderful idea too, maybe that is the way to go.  I am interested in what you think.

Or maybe even just collect all her posts together and make a page in the Wiki for them so we don't loose them and call it Supersprout's page.  Would someone be able to do that?

She was such a lovely lady and it would be nice for Will to see us remember her.

Sarah we shall miss you so much. xxx


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 16:17:02 »
Great thought!

I think that it would be great to have a Supersprout page on the Wiki, also how about a thread for most improved plot (voted for by looking at pics) and award an annual Supersprout Virtual Cup?



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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 16:22:04 »
The Supersprout page would be lovely.

It might also be a place where we could keep her recipes and advice easily to hand for us and for other future allotment holders who will never have the luck of knowing her or of being able to post a query headed "Supersprout -- HELP!!" knowing she would be there with a comforting answer.

Katynewbie's ideas are both wonderful too. Most improved plot: brilliant.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 16:27:01 by triffid »


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 16:32:30 »
Sprouty very kindly gave me lots of squash seeds last year. I grew them and saved most of them for seed for this year. Japanese dumplings, Winter Squash and Futusu. Had some Triamble seeds as well but they didn't take ... but I've got a few left to try again.

I haven't dried them out yet, but if anyone wants a selection to grow and is interested in the 'Sprouty Seed Squash Club' I think she'd like the idea.

PM me with your address if you're interested and I'll send them on.

Trixie X
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 16:34:42 by Trixiebelle »
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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 16:47:02 »
What a fantastic idea.
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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2007, 16:47:38 »
I think its a lovely idea to have a section in memory of Supersprout. I didn't know her for very long but she has left me with so many things to remember her by. She sent me some broad bean seeds to finish my row off. Also some squash and even sent the grandkids some sweetcorn. It would be lovely if we could have somewhere to show the results of her love and her generosity by posting some pics of the produce
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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2007, 16:56:22 »
I have been thinking about how we could remember Sarah on A4A since I read the sad news; I think the ideas here are really good particuarly collecting together all her posts for the wiki.  I also thought we could have a sticky thread where we collected together our memories of her acts of kindness or humour which we could all add to. 

On a personal note I can't believe how bad I feel about the loss of someone I never met - I think that shows just what a very special person she was - touching so many of us in so many ways. 


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2007, 17:04:33 »
Tulippa I was thinking about a collection of all Sprouts posts together just before I read your post, spot on I reckon.


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2007, 17:26:30 »
I guess I am one of the very lucky ones, having met Sarah when we exchanged a waterbutt and a Compost bin for some enviromesh, poultry magazines and leeklets! (Only on A4A!!!!!), we had a trip out to Barnsdale gardens together where we both met OliveOil (Emma), and not only had a great day out, made a new friend, but chatted non-stop for the journeys both there and back!!
I have to say that this 9 months or so since I met Sarah has been rewarding in so many ways - I suffer slightly from agoraphobia, as well as depression and anxiety, and would not have been able to go to an event such as Barnsdale without a friendly face with me. I am also lucky enough to have met Will, when I popped in for a cup of tea one day, Sarah had talked of him at various points, and I know she would be very proud of the strength and friendship he has shown to her A4A friends in announcing his sad news.
I am certainly in favour of some kind of rememberence for SS, and particuarly love the idea of a "virtual cup" maybe awarded to a newbie every year who has followed some of Sarah's methods?

Kathi :-)


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2007, 17:57:50 »
I think it would be fitting for us to send flowers to the funeral from all of us.  I would be happy to arrange this unless someone else would like to.

My best friends daughter recently died and it was lovely seeing flowers from her 'forum' friends.


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2007, 18:02:12 »
I think the wiki page and the virtual cup are excellent ideas.

I've been searching on Supersprout threads for days now, just reading her advice to feel a bit closer to her.

I was going to pop a cheque in the post tomorrow for Will to do with as he thinks best.  The OH suggested setting up a paypal account but I don't know if they would waive their fees on an occasion as sad as this.

My JAs and Pineapple tomatoes are in and they'll be so cossetted and looked after like they're my first borns !  I think Sarah has provided half of the UK with JAs lol.  I'm so glad we've got something tangible to remember her by as well as lots of lovely memories.

This whole tinternet thing has got to us all.  We're all members of one big family, and to lose someone as huge as Sarah, bl**dy well hurts !

Trixiebelle, I'd love to take you up on your offer and will pm you with my details.

Hugs all round, especially to Will.  You're Mum was some woman and I'll remember her fondly.


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2007, 18:22:54 »
Tim, well done, I never thought of Sarah's list of posts.  That will make the job a bit easier, just need Dan now to tell us what to do.

Dan, I hope it is not too big a task.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 18:31:21 by tulippa »


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2007, 18:25:15 »
I´m so sad! what a special person she was.
OliveOil What a good idea about sending some flowers to the funeral, how about getting in touch with a florist in the area and we can all ring up and make a contribution with our credit card, also a good idea about sending money to Will, he could choose a suitable memorial...... whatever we all decide I´m in


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2007, 18:30:50 »
Hi Biscombe I was going to wait until the details come through about the funeral directors.  The only problem i see with sending direct to florist is that it would be good for us to set a limit and then send the remainder to the hospice from us all if you see what i mean.  I know that is what happened with my friend.

I'm sure we can all decide on something and decide on the person to arrange everything too... I was just offering but don't want to step on anyone's toes.

Sarah was a unique woman, and I'm sure we will pay tribute in many many ways.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 18:33:35 by OliveOil »


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2007, 18:35:17 »
My Father-in-law Jack (who I share my allotment with)  had a 'quiet word' with me the other day about his funeral. He said to me ..

"Trixie ... if I keel over in the allotment just dig a hole and put me in it"

Not very fair really, he needs to dig his OWN hole! I've got ENOUGH to do!

But he did say he didn't want flowers on his coffin - just a few potatoes, leeks and tomatoes.

I reckon Sprouty would appreciate that  :) HUNDREDS of pumpkins!
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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2007, 18:38:37 »
Ahhh that is true - and straw - she would want straw!!!! 


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2007, 18:39:46 »
OliveOil and Biscombe I would like to contribute too,  I had wondered about flowers and then we could ask the hospice to keep any A4all money together and see how much we manage to raise for them?

Trixie, yes, I have 2 butternuts and about 10 harlequins I could send!

Olive, and a seed tray of peasprouts...


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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2007, 19:45:14 »
I can see the florists face now "peasprouts ? leeks ?  STRAW ???"   ;D

and our SS would LOVE IT !

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Re: Please can we do something to remember Supersprout?
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2007, 19:59:27 »
I would like to see a SuperSprout Virtual Cup for the Most Improved Lottie awarded annually by vote (with or without the benefit of straw mulch ::)). I think that just at present the existing members of Lotties4 will comprehend and embrace this as a Memorial to SS but that over the years future members  also will be able to enter their pictures to 'win' a Virtual Trophy in memory of a Past Member, a Craftswoman in the art of creating a little Eden out of a wilderness. I think that this would be easy for Dan to administer(?) as an on-going year-on-year event?


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