Produce > Wildlife forum



or peasants?
The shooters were out in force today, just across the road in  the woods. So all lined up at the bottom of our garden were............................pheasants.  At least they were until the Friesian Bantams decided to act as beaters and chased them out. At any rate, they had the grace to wait until the shooters had gone off down the road to another site.

Hi Eric
Should have sent your santa cat out to catch one or two for the freezer!!!  ;D  ;D

Wish I knew how to catch them. Read Danny Champion of the World, but it did not help. And anyway they belong to the BIG HOUSE! (He says knuckling his forehead whilst nervously fingering his cloth cap and trying to hide the dead birds down his trouser leg!)((Not that keen on pheasant anyway)).

If you do get some try just stripping the breast and freezing them instead of hanging them.The rest isn't worth the trouble of plucking.Leave in freezer for about a month.I find this is the nicest way.


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