Author Topic: had enough  (Read 2287 times)


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had enough
« on: April 13, 2004, 23:22:43 »
well, i have battled with weeds for AGES - the plot is choked and matted with couch and bindweed, huge docks and now, it feels as though my plot is the world epicentre of dandelion growth - there are millions! O sorta took over my elderly neighbours plot- it has not been weeded forever and Reg was a demon with a rotovator. He has planted around 30 gooseberry bushes (why???) and another 20 currants of various sorts, all of which are being mugged by these massive weeds.......I am giving up and investing in some roundup at once. Hand digging and weeding, which I have done, ALL winter, takes around an hour per square metre so I am definately fighting a losing battle. So why do I feel so guilty (Catholic and Jewish!). I have to say, some of the organic lot on our site are very sneery - one old boy uses slug bait and you would think he was a serialkiller - well he is but only can count me in there. Anyway, I may have to sneak around under cover of darkness with my weapon of mass destruction - could be tricky with a headlamp. Oh well, it won't be my first fall from grace.

Mrs Ava

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Re:had enough
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2004, 23:35:55 »
Well, at least when it is gone you can then keep control, otherwise tis no fun!  You need a miners hat with a lamp on.  ;D


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Re:had enough
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2004, 23:40:04 »
Iv'e got one - would be lost without it. When I used to work shifts, I often gardened at 1am.


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Re:had enough
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2004, 21:41:15 »
I used roundup on my couch when I first got my plot, I felt exactley the same when I had to bottle feed the first born for various reasons beyond my control!!  Just remember my baby didn't grow up with National Dried imprinted on her forehead and my veg don't come out of the ground with roundup imprinted on their roots and leaves.  Pragmatism is a wonderful thing and has kept me sane.  Couch is a so and so to get rid of by yourself with no help.


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Re:had enough
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2004, 22:14:47 »
I have heard of an organic weedkiller that has proved so successful they are going to manufacture it large scale.

Heres the recipe...
1 Gallon White Vinegar
1 cup of salt
1 tsp detergent (Dawn if you can get it or any old washing up liquid)

Put the vinegar in a pan and bring to the boil.  Add salt and simmer until salt dissovles.  Leave to cool and add detergent.

I have made some (smaller quantities of course) just in case.  Stinks to high heaven when its boiling.

The cooled product is supposed to be dabbed onto weeds (after scuffing to remove the leaves) and it acts systemically.  Dont get it on your veggies tho!!

Havent tried it myself yet, but its cheap and easy to make!


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Re:had enough
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2004, 09:46:41 »
Hey Campanula

Don't worry about it, do what you need to do so you can enjoy your lottie to its full potential.  We have spent months, clearing our site and it is no way completely done yet.

We have managed to get 5 plots (2 have been planted) of various sizes clear of couch grass, or so we thought I forked one of the plots yesterday do see what things were like below the surface..........................AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGhHhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  Couch Grass, roots everywhere.  Even little sections of root which we must have left by accident had little white sprouting bits on....And docks? Well lets not even talk about docks....Sophie has spent an age digging these out (and she has done a great job at it) they just seem to go on forever.....I thought we would end up pulling a kangaroo out holding on to the other end.

Now we have got this far with these plots we are just gonna keep on top of them.  But when we decide to get some more plots ready the spray is coming out with out doubt or guilt!!!!

Take care

« Last Edit: April 15, 2004, 09:51:15 by Les_Woof »
All the hard work is finally starting to pay off.....


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Re:had enough
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2004, 13:10:54 »
And you've got all those years of accumulated weed seeds - neatly and snugly covered, ------------ until you dug the plot, and woke 'em up!  At least, your crop of weed seeds can only grow once, so the second year is a whole LOT easier.

Good luck all - Gavin


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Re:had enough
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2004, 13:21:15 »
I think there was something good about couch grass roots.....

Couch Grass Rhizome Tea:
for preventing mildew and fungus disease
To make: Put a handful of fresh rhizomes in a glass pot. Pour 1 quart of boiling water over rhizomes, cover and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain, let cool and use right away.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2004, 13:22:24 by Multiveg »
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  • Hectare
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Re:had enough
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2004, 18:27:12 »
There now Multiveg, you could start a whole new discussion on "Good Things to do with Bad things" or some such!!
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