Produce > Wildlife forum


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--- Quote ---It wouldn't be............ Boots, by any chance ? just a wild guess.!! By the way,take no notice of the "use only once " instructions.Cost you a fortune! Mine last about a week,and you do get 10 in a pack.

I can see you read my other post about your profile.Is that really how you see yourself,then?!!!!

I bet everyone is now scratching their heads, thinking er,what has this got to do with foxes? Sorry Teresa,we rather took over your post!!
--- End quote ---

Hi Margaret,
Thanks for the tip about the ear plugs. I tried them out and guess what - slept right through from 1.30a.m. until 8a.m. I've never slept that long without interruption for what seems like years!

Yeah I like to think of myself as a right little devil!!  ::) ;D

The current fox on our part of the allotments, which we have named Dinsdale (on account of him originally having a brother - named Doug) is a right character.  Seems to be a veggie - eats mainly fruit, though partial to carrots.

Caught him about to pee on out potato patch during the Summer and told him off - he moved to the hedge!

But last weekend he'd climbed to the top of the manure heap and "marked his territory" there!

Oh Lynne Dinsdale has adopted your lottie as his own so no problems with mice or rabbits a vedgi fox well perhaps he had his meat and wanted a couple of vedge to go with it hee hee. A beautiful creature is a fox with my lottie peaco*cks strutting up and down the lane other side a flimsey fence and I am next to it would die if I found one on the lottie dont think shoo would work.
Hey the fun of gardening


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