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It wouldn't be............ Boots, by any chance ? just a wild guess.!! By the way,take no notice of the "use only once " instructions.Cost you a fortune! Mine last about a week,and you do get 10 in a pack.

I can see you read my other post about your profile.Is that really how you see yourself,then?!!!!

I bet everyone is now scratching their heads, thinking er,what has this got to do with foxes? Sorry Teresa,we rather took over your post!!

Hello there,  Sorry you have trouble sleeping with snoring!   My hubby also called Ian snores when he is overweight so I make him go on yet another diet to get his weight down a few lbs and the snoring stops.  
I am an owl, my early night is 12.25 it is usually 12.40.  My hubby a bad sleeper, can come to bed about 2 a.m. but then the lazy ... doesn't always get up and dressed until 10 a.m.  I am stomping at the bit wanting to hoover but I have to girl thingy foot about until he comes through for brekfast.  
This topic is about Foxes isn't it.  I haven't seen many, maybe one or two.  I live in the heart of the country but yet no foxes - just dead ones on the road.  I get vexed when I see dead badgers and there seems to be a lot killed especially towards the end of this summer.  I think they were deperate for food and because of the dry summer worms etc. were not readily available so they were searching elsewhere and meeting a car head on.  Poor things.
I am still a bit lost on this site girls, yes we are girls.  I had to log on again Margaret and got it wrong again.  

Hasn't it been an awful day.  We were down in Berwick on Tweed and the rain was driving into the windown which I like to keep open.  Maybe tomorrow will be sunny and I will get a walk in the country.  

Carol,did you see my post over on the shed that Eileen started,all about how to save having to log on every time.Or does it not work for you?

Hi Carol T
Yes its a pity most people see foxes dead on the road side along with badgers even deers.
I was reading a articual the other night and this chap said foxes were no bigger than cats I had to chuckle he must have only seen cubs.
Try this tip dont log out just X out and keep one email reply in your  internet inbox then just click on it to come back in. Tick the box notify of replies all the time you post so you will keep getting email returns to you.
Have load of fun on this site and welcome nearly for got that one sorry.

Hi Carol,

Margaret told me about some ear-plugs you could get at Boots. They cut out noisy snoring so whilst we were out today I got some. I'll try them out tonight. Keep your fingers crossed.

We went to East Fortune market today and then to Ikea, boy was it packed!

Sad to say we saw a dead fox on the road on our way home - I hate seeing roadkills - it upsets me. I always want to jump out of the car to make sure the poor animal is not still alive but 'my' Ian won't let me do it on the dual carriageway. He says I can do it on the motorway if I like though - now I wonder what he means by that!?!? Cheers Eileen. :-/


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