Produce > Wildlife forum

blasted squirrels

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According to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, squirrels are good barbequed on a stick.

Ten x

(They're just rats with good PR after all...)

Yo peeps

when I lived in the stalag aka Bournemouth ::)  sorry bomo peeps am sure you are not all the rabid right winging cretinous peeps who I encountered.. where am I?

yeah squirrel loads of them in derby road and knyveton road, in fact Bomo full of squirrels and I swear that the used to chuck acorns at us from dead high up..

also ued to watch cats from me flat window, trying to catch a squirell.... not a chance .. squirrels are nifty lil bugg*rs

Dont mind the red (celtic) sqizzers cuz they are dead nice
and so much prettier than mongerel yanky greys...

so thats smokers, peeps from bomo (bournemouth) and now the yanks.. that I may be upsetting.

any americans living in Bournemouth who smoke... sorry dont take it personally :):)




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